Chapter 31

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*A bit of mature contents in this chapter here*

I barely had any time to admire Gio's room because as we had entered the room, Gio had closed the door then pushed me against it then claimed my lips once more. I felt heated as my hands found their way up around his neck then into his silky hair while his were on my waist.

I felt Gio traced my lips with his tongue and I gladly opened my mouth and let his tongue in. As our lips and tongues moved together, Gio's hands were pulling the buttons on my blouse and soon enough I was left only in my skirt and bra. I started pulling the buttons on his shirt as Gio's hands roamed and massage over the cups of my bra. I managed to pull all his buttons then yanked the rest of his shirt out which was tucked in his pants.

Gio started walking backwards not breaking the kiss then he dropped down as he sat on the edge of the bed. As I stood in front him, he used that opportunity to rain kisses on my stomach before he pulled down the zipper on my skirt which caused it to fell around my ankles and left me in only my under wears. I stepped out of them and out of my heels before I straddled him.
Gio started kissing me again until his lips were on my neck kissing and sucking gently. His hands found their way around my back and unhooked the clasp on the back of my bra. He then proceeded to pull the straps of my bra down my arms which eventually left my chest bare.

Gio's focus moved to 'my twins' as his mouth took over in pleasing them. I couldn't helped the moans that escaped my lips at the feel of his lips on my breast. He moved backward on the bed and took me with him as laid on his back and claimed my lips again. His hands roamed my body from my bare back down to my thighs then up again to my butt. He rolled us over so he that he was above me as he started kissing my neck and caressing my breast once more. My hands reached down between us as I tried to loosened his belt.

Gio eased himself off of me to get rid of his pants before he returned and continued to kissed me. Soon enough I was completely naked underneath him as he reached for a packet in the night stand that was near his bed. Without breaking the kiss, I heard the tearing of foil wrapper and Gio rolled the condom onto himself.
Within a matter of seconds we were joined as one. I gasped at the feeling of him inside me. I wasn't a virgin, I had done this with one person before but the last time I had sex was four years ago, the same night I had  killed Raphael. It was a bit uncomfortable at first but the more Gio and I moved together all that discomfort was gone and replaced with pure pleasure.

Gio fell on top of me panting as hard as I was as we had both came down from our high together. Even being with Raphael before, I could not remembered ever feeling this good during our intimate moments. Gio tried to moved but I stopped him.

"Wait," I held onto his shoulders. "Just a few more seconds."

"I'm probably gonna crushed you with my weight Lexi." Gio chuckled.

"Alright, fine." I said as I  released him.

Gio pulled out then got up from the bed and disappeared into the bathroom. I pulled his covers over me as I closed by eyes and waited for my ragged breathing to go back to normal. I was exhausted and thoroughly spent. By the time Gio had came back into the bed I had already dozed off.

"Are you sleeping Lexi?" I heard Gio whispered.

"Hmm," I answered sleepily. "I'll talk to you in a few minutes time."

I was awakened by the sound of Gio's voice as he spoke lowly, I assumed he was on his phone. I kept my eyes closed as I pretended that I was still asleep.

"Lucas you've got to be kidding me. What do you mean they lost them?" Gio said into the phone.

I could tell by the tone of his voice that he was beyond upset and trying hard not to shout. As he spoke, he paused occasionally to listened to what Lucas was saying on the other end before responding again.

"Was anyone hurt.......Do they have any idea how ugly this is gonna be? Look, I can't deal with this right now........ I'm with Lexi at the moment and she's asleep. I can't just leave her alone and come there.... Lucas, I trust you to handle it now for me, I'll see you tomorrow." he said before he finally hung up.

I felt him got up from beside me and headed into the bathroom. After a minute he came back and climbed under the covers behind me once more. I tossed and groaned a little before I turned towards him and opened my eyes slightly as if I had just woken up.
When I did this, Gio's eyes were the first thing I saw as I opened mine and gosh were they beautiful.

"Is everything okay?" I asked sleepily.

"Yeah. Yeah everything is fine," Gio smiled. "Did I wake you?"

"I'm not sure, I thought I heard talking before or maybe I was dreaming." I said to him.

"No, I was talking to Lucas on the phone. Nothing to worry about." Gio told me as he pulled himself closer to me and threw his arm over my shoulder as he pulled me closer so that my head was on his chest.

"You can go back to sleep now." Gio rubbed my bare arm.

"I don't know if I can do that right now again," I smiled at him, "I'll probably need a little motivation."

"Here, let me help you then." Gio smiled back at me before he kissed me.

And just like that we were into round two of another course of love making. I didn't even know when I had fallen asleep once again- fully sated and fully satisfied.

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