Chapter 22

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The drive to Dominic's place had me thinking and contemplating about a lot of things. It seemed so strange and somewhat hard to comprehend just how much my life had changed. I was once a normal girl, living the ideal life with my parents and then one night all that had been taken away from me- everything just changes. I went from being the typical teenager with a loving family to orphan then ward of the state, to being a part of a family that has high Mafia status.

Before my life had changed so drastically -- when I was the average teenager-- I didn't have to worry about most of these things. I didn't need to know how to use weapons and guns, I didn't need to own a gun or had anyone playing bodyguard. I never regretted being adopted by the Luciano family they were the best thing that had happened to me but sometimes I wished things were different. I often wished that they were a normal family.
After I had lost my real family, I lived in constant fear of losing my second family. When I heard that Dominic had been shot, I almost went into shock and panic. And to think that he had been shot in his own home by one of the men he was supposed to be able to trust. Glen was right, you can't trust anyone.

I was deep in my thoughts when I felt the car swerved forward as I was hit from behind.

"Damn it, Glen!" I yelled when I realized it was his car that had bumped into mine. "Watch what you're doing!"

Glen honked and I took that as a sign of apology. I looked back at him through the rearview mirror as I wondered if he was okay. You don't just bump into someone's car like that unless something was wrong with you or you were not paying attention to what you were doing. I knew that there were probably some damages done to the bumper of my car but under the situation, I couldn't dwell on the fact too much at that moment. I could always find the money to get it fixed. We could always get the car issue sorted out after we had visited Dominic. I didn't think that Glen bumped into me on purpose. He must've been driving too close and hadn't noticed that he would have hit in the back of my car.

We turned off the main road which led towards Dominic's place. It wasn't even five minutes yet when I felt that hit again from behind. This time it was stronger and more forceful than before and it sent my body forward. My forehead connected with the steering wheel which caused me to cursed.

"Ugh! What the hell is wrong with this guy!?" I yelled as I decided to pull over to check if he was indeed alright behind me. "Did he decided to watch my back just so he can kill me himself!?"

Not even two seconds had passed before his car was beside mine.

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" I shouted at him.

"I'm sorry Lexi," Glen said to me but before I could have responded he swung his car hard into the side of mine.

I felt the front wheel on the left side of my car wobbled. Everything happened so fast, I felt the wheel rolled from the car and passed in front of it then the next thing I knew was that the car was hit once again which caused it to flipped over. I closed my eyes and held onto the steering wheel tight as the car flipped onto the side than on the top. The glass from my side window shattered as
the car top hit the ground. I felt small bits of glass hit my skin and a larger one lodged into my left palm. I groaned in slight pain when the car finally settled. No one needed to spell things out to me anymore, it was clear to me at that moment who Dominic shooter was.

I was shaken up and a bit disoriented but I knew that I had to try to get out of the car. I had made a neutral decision early in keeping the gun in my waist when I got into the car. I couldn't decide if I was stupid or smart when I had made the decision not bothering to take it out. The impact of the car being flipped caused the gun to bumped and squeezed into my waist. I was seriously lucky it didn't go off and shot me. I tried to open the door but it seemed to be jammed. I swore that if I got out I would kill Glen. I was almost stuck but I managed to crawl out through the window. More splinter lodged
themselves into my palm and some scraped under my elbows.

"Need some help?" I heard Glen asked as I managed to get out of the car.

It was like my entire body had been drained of energy and I had to lay on the ground for a while as I tried to recuperate.

"You... You're the one who shot him." I said to him as he came and stood over me.

"I didn't want to do that but I had no choice. See it's a family for my family." He responded.

"Oh yeah? Well, I too don't have a choice right now." I quickly pulled out the gun that I had in my waist but before I could raise it, Glen stepped on my wrist which caused my hand with the gun to flop to the ground immobilized.

"No, I can't allow you to do that now Lexi."

"No? Well, can you allow me to do this?" I used all my strength and raised my body despite Glen's foot on my wrist.

I used my free hand and grabbed him by the balls. The second my hand had gripped him, I squeezed hard and pulled as if I was picking oranges. This caused him to grunt in pain as he stepped back off my wrist and not doubled over.
I used that opportunity to dragged myself up, picked up the gun, and held it to his head.
My body felt achy as well as my bleeding palm where the glass had lodged earlier but I was determined to get some answers.

"Why'd you do it!?"

"I... I don't have to explain myself to you bitch." Glen grunted.

"Well maybe you don't have to explain yourself to me but you will explain yourself to Marc and Dominic." I took out my phone and dialed Marc.

"Lexi," he answered after the first ring. "Is everything okay?"

"Marc, I've got Dominic's traitor and shooter." I breathed out.

"What the hell are you talking about!?" Marc asked on the other end of the phone.

"It's Glen. He's currently here a... Ugh!" Before I could finish my statement I was attacked.

I didn't saw it coming or even expected that Glen would've been able to move that quickly after I had practically plucked his balls out maybe I hadn't pulled it hard enough- but somehow he was able to spring up from his painful crouched position on the ground. The phone fell from my hand as Glen came at me. He grabbed me by the throat as we struggled and I tripped and fell painfully to the ground with him crashing on top of me. We wrestled for a little while as Glen tried to get the gun from my hand. Since he was much bigger and stronger than I was, he managed to overpower me somewhat. However, I believe that it was the impact of me grabbing his balls earlier that caused him to be slightly slower than he probably would have been if he hadn't been affected.
Somehow he managed to grab the gun from me and pinned me to the ground with his large hand around my neck. I had a hard time breathing as he brought the gun to my head. I knew that I was gone this time by the way I was being held and the current situation I was in.
How was the road that isolated and desolate the one time I would have needed it to be crowded, full of traffic and passing vehicles?

"I was seriously hesitant about killing you Lexi but now you just made me extremely angry." Glen grunted, "You just made things personal. Any last words?"

"I'm...gon don...with... out a fight." I managed to mutter before I started to fight.

I turned my head to the side which caused his hand to slipped from my throat and I knocked his hand with the gun away from my head. The gun flew across the road but he was quick to pull out his own. I refused to give up and we kept fighting. I felt his gun pressed into my chest as we wrestled, he was stronger than I and was overpowering me. I felt his fingers on the trigger and I tried my best to push the gun away from me. I suddenly felt when our fingers went down as the trigger was squeezed. A gunshot rang out and I prepared myself for the excruciating pain that I knew I would feel before I die.

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