Chapter 8

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After the whole Natalia incident transpired, Dominic kept trying to pin me to whatever had happened to her, but he just couldn't figure it out. He had gone back into the bathroom like I thought he would and tried to figure out what Natalia had used that caused her hair to fall out. She had told him that she only used the shampoo which of course was normal when Dominic tested it because I had already switched the bottles and gotten rid of the old one. He even went as far as to searched the house along with my room to find whatever it was I had used.

He even complained to mom and dad about it, and they had both confronted me and asked me if I knew anything about what had happened to the girl. Of course, I admitted nothing to them, I denied everything and told them that I didn't do anything and that maybe Natalia was a crazy girl with a terrible balding disease and was being in denial. I didn't know why but Alphonso found it hilarious when I said that but needless to say Dominic was not amused.

Natalia didn't want anything more to do with him nor 'his crazy adopted sister'. She had to wear a wig to school since all of her hair was gone. The strangest thing was that once I had seen her in the hallway and flashed her a smile, the girl literally ran when she saw me at school. I mean seriously? She was really afraid of little me. Mom had kept trying to figure out if I was responsible or not, but I still denied it and told them I really hated being accused and not being trusted. Dad, however, told me he knew that I was responsible somehow and that he was actually proud of my deviance and sneakiness. He said that it meant I had finally grown into myself. Whatever that meant. These new parents spoiled me way more than my real parents would.

Dominic had refused to take me to school anymore, so dad had to get someone to be my personal chauffeur. Not like it mattered to me anyway, at least I didn't have to deal with Dominic's hostility and coldness much or had to be worried that I would be left behind at school out of spite. In addition, the driver Keith was hilarious and great. Over the short time I had known him, he became a pretty good friend.

“So for your birthday coming up, are turning 15 now or 16?” Zena asked when she, Kameron, and I had lunch together.

“Neither” I laughed at her guesses.

I never told any of them my age or much personal stuff about me. The only reason Zena knew about my upcoming birthday at the time, was because my new parents were determined and had decided to throw a party. They thought that since I finally had friends and seemed to be doing much better emotionally and everything, that I should celebrate. I hadn't wanted a party, but they wanted to throw me one, and I didn't want to seem ungrateful, so I went along with it. I had the task of making a guest list of all who would be invited, and I decided to have Zena and Kameron helped me out.

“What do you mean neither?” Kameron had asked me.

“Well that's because I'm turning fourteen” I had surprised them.


“You're kidding me. You're thirteen!?” Zena exclaimed.

“Shh! You don't have to let the whole school know. I don't want people to think that I'm one of those kids who got preferences to come here because of who my parents are” I had said to them.

“You're right, sorry” Zena shook her head “It's just that I never thought you were that young. You never acted anyway immature or anything”

“Could you guys please not get weird on me now just because you found out you're both older. And being younger doesn't mean that you have to be immature”

“Of course not. My little cousin is eleven, and she acts really mature, we can actually have a mature conversation with her” Kameron said to me “But Lexi, I honestly thought you were fifteen like us”

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