Chapter 19

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“Oh, you're finally here” Dominic announced as I entered the house.

“Must you do that!?” I asked with my hand over my chest, a bit frightened from his unexpected attack. “You almost gave me a fright”.

“What? Almost gave you a fright? What?” Dominic looked at me confused for some strange reason before he quickly recovered.

“You know what, never mind. I have to discuss something with you.”

“Okay, sure. Shoot” I said to him as I took my jacket off then headed to the kitchen. “Well not literally.”

“So I've got this proposal for you. I think you'd handle it well” Dominic followed me and sat on a stool at the breakfast counter in the kitchen.

“Let's hear it then” I replied as I went and poured myself some juice.

“Well, I've got more than one booking at the hotel for different functions and a wedding. Some other family wanted to hold a party there as well, but it'd be on the same night as the other two events, so I took it upon myself to passed them over to you. Hope you don't mind, but it'll be a great opportunity to further make the restaurant more known”.

“You mean it'd give the restaurant more publicity? Yeah yeah, sure. Just let them give me a call or pop in at the office, and we'll sort that out” I replied.

“Well great then, I'll be going now”

“Wait, that's it?” I looked at Dominic with irritation.

“Yeah” he nodded.

“Oh my God, Nick!” I groaned.


“You call me and came all the way here just to tell me that?”

“Yeah, I was already here discussing things with Dad, so I figured I'd just discussed this with you”.

“And you couldn't have discussed this over the phone or via text? Did I really have to come home to discuss this?”

“Why? Weren't you going to?” Dominic raised his brows.

“Never mind.” I sighed as I rotated my neck which seemed a bit stiff.

“What's that?” Dominic asked as he looked at me weirdly.

“What's what?” I asked back confused.

“On your neck” Dominic pointed on the left side of my neck.

“What?” I asked as I rubbed my fingers over it but felt nothing.

“I don't feel anything”.

“Well, it's definitely there and quite bright might I add” Dominic replied with a sneaky smirk formed on his face.

“Where?” I asked as I retrieved my compact from my purse to look at my neck in the mirror and that's when I saw it.

“Oh my God!” My eyes grew wide with shock.

That was something that had never happened to me before.

“You had no idea he left that there, did you? Whoever he is” Dominic chuckled.

“I can't believe this,” I said as I continued to inspect the bright reddish-purple bruise on my neck.

During my short intimate moment with Gio, he must've gotten carried away and gave me a hickey, or maybe he did it on purpose, but that was beside the point. This was the first time I had ever gotten one, not even when I had dated Raphael, I never allowed him to put one on me and yet this guy that I had only met twice, managed to mark me. I knew I was going to have to cover the ugly bruise with makeup for the next couple of days.

“Now I get why you're so grumpy about me calling and you having to come home, so I could discuss the business with you,” Dominic chuckled. “I interrupted something didn't I?”

“Shut up” I glared at him.

“Oh come on, relax. No need to be embarrassed, you're an adult now, and we all have our needs.” Dominic chuckled as he did air quotes as he said 'needs'.

“I have a gun.” I reminded him as I glared at him. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't embarrassed by that current situation and even the worst Dominic being the one who discovered it.

“You wouldn't shoot your bro” Dominic laughed as I grabbed an apple from the fruit basket on the counter and threw it at his head. He caught it and laughed then took a bite.

“I didn't know you were seeing someone.”

“Well, you're not going to know everything now are you?” I replied.
“And I'm not seeing anyone,” I added.

“What? I didn't think you were the one for casual hookups. Wow, you keep surprising me, Lexi. I guess you're as bad as me, we are siblings.” Dominic teased.

“Okay, that's it. Weren't you just leaving?” I finally had enough of his teasing.

“Alright alright, I'll go.” Dominic laughed and held up his hands in a surrender gesture. “Anyway, I'll see you. Tell the mystery man I said hello next time.”

“Go!” I shrieked at him, fed up and embarrassed by his teasing.

For an adult, Dominic could be such an immature annoying ass at times, but I guessed that he was really playing the part of an annoying older brother.

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