Chapter 6

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Dominic had been asked to drop me at school. It was almost hell that morning when Dad had told him to drop me to and from school since he attended the same school. It was his final year there. He had made a huge fuss about him having to babysit and what his friends and all who knew him were going to say.

After a while, both of them had gone into full swing Italian as they argued, and I had not a clue as to what they were talking about. Eventually, Dad seemed to have won the argument because before he stormed out of the kitchen he told me I had better hurry or else he would leave without me if I wasn't ready in five minutes.

I made sure that I was by his car in less than five minutes.
A couple of quick minutes due to how much Dominic had sped, was all it took before we were parked in the school's parking lot.

“Alright, get out” Dominic growled as he had shut off the car's engine.

“Okay, thanks for the ride anyway,” I said to him as I opened the car door.

“Whatever, out now” he replied without even a glanced in my direction as I got out of the car.

I stood in the parking lot for a while as I admired the school and looked around. I felt a bit anxious being there. It was just little me at this big school. I really didn't know where to go from there, I was told that I was supposed to see the principal and from him, I would've gotten my assigned class and schedule. However, I had no idea where the office was. I had decided to swallow my pride and asked Dominic where it was. I knew he hated me and was being hostile towards me, but I thought that he would have answered me and just get me out of his hair.

I looked around but found out that Dominic was away from his car and chatting with two other guys. It seemed that his group of friends were all handsome people because these guys were gorgeous.
Nervously I had walked back over to where they were.

“Uh, excuse me. Dominic?” I made my presence known, and his entire figure stiffened when he heard my voice.

“What!? Can't you leave me alone? I have to deal with you at home, and now I have to deal with you at school too?” He yelled as he turned around and scowled at me.

“I-I only wanted to ask where the principal's office is,” I said in a weak voice. I was hurt by his words and how obvious it was that he didn't want me around.

“I'm not your babysitter, you can find it yourself,” he said before he stormed off.

“Nick man, come on!” One of his friends called out to him as he stormed off and left us.

I was shocked, hurt, and humiliated by his actions and behavior.
I stood there and gaped at his back, tears had welled up in my eyes.

“I'll go check on him” one of the guys he was talking to said before he walked off in the direction Dominic had stormed off to.

“You must be the girl Mr. Luciano adopted,” the other guy said to me. “I'm Marc”.

I nodded. “Alexia...or you can call me Lexi”.

“Hmm, Lexi” he nodded. “Sorry about Nick, he just doesn't like taking on certain... uhm responsibilities”.

“He hates me, and I'm not sure why” I mumbled as I looked down.

“You're like his new responsibility” Marc chuckled.

“I guess” I replied as I adjusted my bag strap. “I should probably go try to find the office”.

“Wait up, I'll show you” Marc smiled at me.

“Thanks” I returned his smile.

It was nice to see that not everyone was a total jackass to me.

My first day wasn't 100% good, but it wasn't a total disaster either, except the part where I had to stand in front of every class and introduced myself. It was enough to almost triggered my anxiety and made me act like a freak. Fortunately, I had managed to keep my social anxiety on the low. Another part of the day that was somewhat awful for me was the part where Dominic was extremely pissed at me for something I really wasn't responsible for. Some kids had however made the connection between Luciano and me and asked if I was related to Alphonso Luciano and started referring to me as Dominic's little sister. He definitely wasn't amused, but it was hardly my fault, turned out the name Luciano was one which wasn't common here and anyone with that name most likely had to be related. Guess when your new Dad is a rich and famous businessman that is what happened. At least I didn't have
to knock anyone out with a chair.

The first persons that spoke to me were these two girls Zena and her friend Kameron. They both welcomed me to the school and offered to show me around. At lunch, I sat with them and some of their other friends. They were all talkers though, and it took me a while before I became accustomed to their talking and questions. Zena had even offered and told me that she would get all past notes photocopied for me so that I could catch up. I hadn't had friends in a while, so it felt a bit strange to me, however, I tried my best not to be weird. They had however made me felt absolutely welcomed instead of left out and lonely like new kids usually are.

That evening I decided that I would try to fit in. The first step to being fitted into an American school system was to try and be as American as possible. I had decided to start with my accent, I was determined to master the art of talking like an American. Being born and raised in England for thirteen years meant that I had that heavy British accent and I would be damned if the kids there began calling me by my nationality instead of my name. Usually, when you're British, people from other countries had the practice to call you British and that was a name that usually got stuck. I wasn't ashamed of my country or nationality, but I wanted to avoid the nickname as much as possible.

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