Chapter 32

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They say time moves fast when you're having fun and I couldn't find another statement more truthful than that. It had already been three weeks since Gio and I's first intimate moment together. And I had to say that it had been the best three weeks of my life. Dominic or Dad wasn't happy at all though, well they didn't know that I was seeing Gio outside of that one first date that Dad knew I had with him. What they were upset about was that things weren't going as well in the group. According to them, they were getting a hard fight from another mafia group but they still hadn't figured out which group it was, who the boss was or if it was more than one group.

"I'm not sure whether or not that boss of that group that's been getting in our way for months now is smart or he's just a damn coward!" I heard Dominic said angrily as I made my way inside the living room of his house.

When I entered, more than seven pairs of eyes had turned to me. There were a number of guys both sitting and standing there. I had noticed Marc, and two others I recognized as Ian and Pietro but the others I didn't quite know them. However, I knew that those were some of the other members of the group. I had went to see how Dominic was because I hadn't seen him in a while. Between work and sneaking around with Gio, I hadn't gotten a chance to see him in a while. Although he was almost completely better from his gunshot wound, I still wanted to visit but I didn't know anyone else would be there.

"Hello." I said to no one in particular before I focused my eyes to Dominic. "Sorry, I didn't know you had company. I was coming to see how you were, I haven't seen you a while now."

"I'm good," Dominic nodded. "Men, for those of you who don't know this is my sister Lexi."

"Hi everyone," I waved at them. "And I guess these are the guys. I guess I'll come back when you're not so busy. Seems your having a meeting."

"Lexi Wait," Dominic said as he came over to me.

"You didn't figure out anything as yet did you?"

"No. Well not yet. I'm still working on it though, if I do figure out anything I'll let you know. I had better get going. Bye." I said as I left then headed outside back to my car.

"Wait a minute," I heard Marc said just as I had made my way outside.

"Oh hey Marc, sorry I couldn't stay to talk to you personally." I smiled at him.

"You don't have me fooled Lexi." Marc said.

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused.

"Just so you know, you're playing a very dangerous game."

"Seriously, what are you talking about Marc?"

"You know what I'm talking about Lexi, You're hiding something."

"Okay, now I'm really confused. Marc I have no idea what you're talking about. So if you can't tell it to me straight up, I'd appreciate if you stop accusing me."

"Lexi, I know you've been seeing him. I don't know if that's your way of finding out if he's involved in the Mafia or not but if he is, you're putting yourself at a big risk." Marc said to me seriously.

"How did you...Have you been spying on me!?" I asked shocked.

I had been hiding that secret from everyone- even mom. I had even tried not to stay out as much so things wouldn't be suspicious. I hadn't even been to the club with Marc in a while.

"No I haven't been spying on you. But I do have eyes and I happened to see him picked you up from your restaurant more than once. And by the looks of things, you two seemed to be way more than just friends or trying to figure things out."

"Marc, I completely see that the same thing as spying and stalking. And as for me and Gio what we are or what we do, I don't think that's much of your concern. I didn't know there was a rule against me seeing him."

"There isn't but if he turns out to be the boss of the enemy group, you're gonna be in serious trouble. And I'm one of them whose going to have to come save your ass if he doesn't immediately kill you the minute he finds out you're a Luciano."

"You're talking as if you're 100% sure he is. What if he isn't? As far as I know, Gio is innocent until proven guilty or in this case involved."

"And now you're defending him. You better be careful because if he is indeed involved like we have reasons to believed, you're so dead. And I honestly don't want that."

"Marc I understand you're concern and I  appreciate it, I really do. But I can handle myself, besides I've dated a member from an enemy group before. I can handle myself and I will be careful, trust me." I smiled at him.

"What?" Marc looked at me confused. "You've dated who?"

"Oh," I said as I realised he had no idea what I was talking about.

"Guess Dad really never shared that story with you before?"

"What are you talking about Lexi?" Marc asked obviously curious and interested.

"Well my ex-boyfriend of more than a year, back when I was in high school, kidnapped me and brought me to his uncle. Turns out they were both members of another enemy group who blamed Dad for ruining their lives.

"So apparently Raphael dated me so he could get close and tried to used me to get back at Dad. Long story short, things got a little out of hand hence marked my first time killing anyone. I was scared, I snapped, They both died. Dad came to my rescue immediately after and that was the beginning." I smiled at him.

Marc looked at me like I was crazy or something.

"Lexi, I had no idea. That was when we were away at university?"

"Yeah. And I guess Dad never mentioned it."

"He didn't." Marc shook his head.

"Look, don't worry. I'm being careful, besides what do they always say? Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. What better way to do that than what I'm doing?"  I winked at him.
"Later Marc, I'll see you around."

I went inside my car and drove back to my restaurant. I knew that I really needed to find out whether or not Gio was involved with anything Mafia related or if he was the boss so that I would get it off my back.

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