Training For The First Time... And I Float?

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Third Person's POV

After completing their mission for the day, Guy and his students were speeding through the forest on their way back home to Konoha when the strangest thing happened.

Out of nowhere, just a few yards ahead of them, a flash of lightning struck. It appeared without warning, sparking brightly and echoing powerfully throughout the forest with a force that shook the treetops.

Immediately, Guy stopped in his tracks, holding a hand up and signaling for his students to do the same. Tenten, Lee, and Neji came to a halt behind their sensei, and the four braced themselves for another strike, but it never came. They watched as the wind settled down once more, the treetops stilling once again, and turned to one another to exchange looks of confusion.

"Was that lightning just now?" Tenten was the first to speak up, eyebrows raised and voice incredulous. She was standing upright on a tree branch, one of her hands positioned flat against the bark of its trunk. "Is it going to storm?"

"It does not seem like it," Lee replied, glancing up at the sky from his crouch on the branch above her. "The sky is still clear, and there was only one strike. How strange..."

Guy followed Lee's gaze and looked up. The sky above them was blue and clear, not a single cloud in sight. How strange, indeed.

The jonin tore his gaze from the sky, turning to the Hyuga who was standing on the branch behind him. "Neji?"

"Already on it," said Neji, activating his Byakugan with ease. He used his kekkei genkai to see past the dense trees in front of him and into the area where the lightning had struck. "There's a clearing up ahead. Nothing out of the ordinary, except...huh." He made a face, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "There's a leopard there, and a symbol etched into the ground, in the shape of a circle with a three-headed arrow cutting through it diagonally. I'm not sure how, but it's oozing chakra."

"A summoning circle, maybe?" Tenten guessed.

"Not one I've ever seen," he muttered. "Wait..." His eyes widened as he caught sight of something else. "There's a girl there, too, in the middle of the symbol with the leopard, but...I can't see any signs of chakra on her."

"She has no chakra?" Lee repeated, eyes widening in surprise. Could it be she and I are similar, then? he thought.

As if reading his teammate's mind, the Hyuga shook his head. "It's different from you. It's something I've never seen before. It's not that her chakra is limited, or that she only has a tiny amount. She has no chakra network at all. I can't see it even with my Byakugan."

"That doesn't make any sense," Tenten muttered. "If she doesn't even have a chakra network, then wouldn't she be dead?"

"Is she still breathing, Neji?" Guy asked.

Neji extended his Byakugan further before deactivating it and shaking his head. "I can't tell from here. We're too far away."

"Well, in that case, we'll just have to go see for ourselves!" Guy announced, placing one hand on his hip and raising the other into the air with enthusiastic purpose. "Quickly, team! Forward with the power of youth! That girl's fate is resting in our hands!"

"Yessir!" cried Lee passionately. Tenten sighed while Neji rolled his eyes, and with that they were off, following their sensei's lead through the trees.

They arrived at the clearing a few moments later. As Neji had described, there was a red symbol etched into the grass. It was pulsating with chakra, though by now it had begun to fade to a duller pink color. At its center were the leopard and the girl he had spotted with his Byakugan.

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