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It'd been days since the whole incident at the hospital with Naruto. Ever since that day, slowly... I'd been learning to breathe again. Naruto was with me every step of the way, and I found myself able to actually smile. I was at the hospital practically every single day.

Sometimes, Kiba would join Naruto and I. I was thankful for his presence as well. Together, he and Naruto were helping to seal the wound that Sasuke had left in my heart.

Gaara helped, too. I hadn't even known that he was staying in the village, but apparently, he was. He kept me company at night, whenever I couldn't sleep, which was a lot. A few times, I'd even invited him to stay in my room with me. He was always gone by morning. But no matter what, he always came back at night.

It was during one of his frequent visits, in fact, that I'd decided what I was going to do. We were discussing our plans, now that everything was slowly returning back to normal in both of our home villages.

"I heard that Naruto's going to be dispatched from the hospital soon," Gaara began in his sensual tone, "He's supposed to go training with Jiraiya."

"Pervy Sage?" I said, blinking my eyes. He stared at me like I was crazy, but I only shook my head in response. "Don't ask. Just know... That name describes him perfectly. Anyway... It looks like everyone's been making plans. Kimi's going to be Lady Tsunade's apprentice along with Sakura, since she wants to learn about medical ninjutsu. Hayato's stolen my original sensei, Kakashi, and now he's always training. And Daisuke's becoming more youthful everyday, learning Guy-sensei's teachings."

Gaara's eye twitched at the mention of Guy-sensei, and I tried not to burst out laughing. However, he continued on the conversation nonetheless. "And what about you?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, raising an eyebrows.

"If all of your friends are choosing what to do... What about you? What're your plans, now?" He inquired from his perch on my window sill.

I looked at my ceiling in thought, picking up my pillow and tossing it back onto my bed. "I... I don't know. I guess I really haven't thought of anything I want to do yet," I replied honestly.

I walked over to him, squeezing into the small space left on the window sill next to him, letting one leg hang into my room while I bent the other and leaned my chin on it. "Have you thought of anything?"

Gaara's perfect seafoam green eyes went over my pajama-wearing form before looking out at the moon. "Once I return to my village, I'm going to split from my siblings and join the regular troops of my village. And once that is done... I'm going to aim to become Kazekage of Sunagakure. Then, I'll finally become... Important to others. I'll gain respect and acknowledgement from others... Rising, as the Sand's next Kazekage."

I stared at him, my draw almost dropping to the floor. "And... When did you decide this?"

"Ever since our battle... After fighting with Naruto... I've figured things out. He helped me realize that ties to others... They're strength, not weakness. While fighting... We connected. He's just like me, facing the same mistreatment and unhappiness... Yet now, he has people whom he's precious to. My decision was made in order to be like him. One day... I wish to be precious to people, just like he is," He explained, his face completely calm. There was nothing unstable or monstrous about him; there never could be. I would never believe it.

"I think... That's great, Gaara. I'm sure that one day, you'll make a great Kazekage. But now, I do warn you... You'll have to deal with Naruto as Hokage, and God only knows what he'll do while leading Konoha," I said, laughing.

The redhead's peaceful expression was replaced by a smirk. "Oh, and just so you know," I began, "You're already halfway towards your goal."

He stared at me, his eyes widening a fraction in question. "I am?"

I Got Caught In A Storm... And Now I'm Stuck In Naruto!?!?Where stories live. Discover now