My Birthday

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Sorry... Needed to say that .__. Anyway, after this chapter.... BOM, BOM BOM!!! Comes the Chunin Exams. I'm sure you're all wondering...

Just who the fudge monkies is Minxie fighting!? Yes, yes... It's a big mystery... But I've got it all planned out ;D 

So... This is the last chapter of the month interval between the premilinaries and the Chunin Exams. Enjoy, hope you all like it! :D ^.^


Story Start::

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Someone screamed in my ear.

I jumped, flipping off the bed and ending up faceplanted with the ground. I pulled the blankets off of my face, glaring at Kylie, who was bouncing happily on my bed.

"KYLIE! Couldn't you let me sleep for my birthday!?" I exclaimed, my eye twitching at her.

"Nope! You're spending your birthday with your boyfriend! So... Upsy daisy!" She said, giggling. She's like a fly. I want so badly to just take the world's biggest fly swatter and smack her with it.

"I'd rather spend my birthday sleeping..." I muttered, making myself comfortable on the floor. I'll admit it... It was sort of more comfortable than the bed.

Sadly, yes, today is August 2, my birthday. I'm turning 14 today, and I'm not the least bit excited about it. If it were up to me, I wouldn't celebrate my birthday at all. I'd just spend the day sleeping. However, this is the first birthday that I know about my twin brother... So I do ask myself what he could possibly be doing for his birthday, if he even celebrates it. Does he remember me? Or is it too painful?

Sigh... These questions will be left unanswered for a while. You know, until I decide to go off on some epic journey to find my brother who doesn't even know I exist. Oh, my life is lovely.

"Come on! Please!?" Kylie insisted, breaking me out of my thoughts.

My eye twitched at her. "Fine... But don't rush me!" I said.

"YAY!" She exclaimed, glomping me. And on that note, she skipped out of my room.

I sighed deeply, laying back down on the floor again. Today's gonna be a LONG day...

Kylie's POV

"So, you keep Minxie away from the house for as long as you can, okay? And make sure she doesn't think anything's up," I directed to Sasuke. See, we all planned to throw Minxie a surprise birthday party, which is why I insisted on her getting out of the house. The entire gang is gonna meet up here while Sasuke keeps her occupied and get ready for the party.

Now, I know Minx isn't a fan of celebrating her own birthday. But I am, so she'll have to deal with it.

"I know. Is she ready yet?" Sasuke inquired boredly. Oh, this boy... My eye twitched at him.

"She's gonna be here in a second! Just... Just do whatever it is Duck-Butts do when they're waiting!" I said, waving my hand dismissively as I walked towards the stairs. "Oh, and Uchiha?" I called.

"What?" He said.

"There's on more thing... If you break Minxie's heart, I'll break your face!" I said cheerfully, waving and smiling at him. And with that, I walked upstairs.

Minxie passed me in the hall, raising an eyebrow. "You seem happier than usual. Which means... Holy god, it's 2012!" She exclaimed mockingly.

I pulled on her hair, giggling. "Oh, shut up and go to your boyfriend. He's waiting downstairs," I said.

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