A Talk With A Leopard, My Guardian

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Minxie's POV

Going to the Academy was way more fun than attending regular school in my old world. At the Academy, I learned all sorts of things about being a ninja. Guy-sensei had taught me more jutsu-wise, but my classes at the Academy helped me polish up my skills a lot more.

Ever since that incident at my seat on my first day, the girls in the class pretty much hate me, with the exception of one. She was very quiet, and she looked a lot like Neji; she even had the Byakugan, just like him. However, she didn't really talk much, and the two of us didn't sit together, so sadly, my female friend count was still dwindling.

Honestly, I didn't even care. I was at least able to make friends with the boys in my class, although my closest one was definitely Naruto. I had no idea why the majority of the class couldn't stand him. He was so fun to be around. Sure, he had an obsession with ramen and playing pranks, but overall, he was a great guy! It annoyed me to no end that no one else seemed to get that.

Speaking of Naruto, the blonde was nowhere to be found. Class was in session, but he had yet to make an appearance. I really hoped he wasn't getting into trouble. Iruka-sensei was even more uptight than usual these past few weeks, since the graduation exam was coming up.

I wasn't even surprised when Iruka-sensei barged into the classroom, dragging Naruto behind him. The blonde was tied up with a rope, and he was promptly thrown in front of the classroom.

"I'm at the end of my rope here, Naruto!" Iruka-sensei lectured ironically. "You failed the graduation test last time, and the time before that! Tomorrow you've got another chance, and you're messing up again!" Naruto paid no mind to the lecture, turning his head away, which only made Iruka-sensei angrier. "Fine! Because you missed it, Naruto, everyone will review the transformation jutsu!"

The entire class let out a groan, but we had no choice but to line up. Iruka-sensei was already ticked off, and none of us wanted to risk his wrath. Sakura went first, followed by Sasuke, and they both transformed into Iruka effortlessly.

"This is a total waste of time, Naruto," Shikamaru, a lazy kid in our class, complained.

"We always pay for your screw-ups!" Ino snapped, scowling at the shorter blonde.

"Ignore them," I advised Naruto, who nodded, before I heard Iruka-sensei call my name. I transformed into him, and he called a brief "good job," and called Naruto's name. Instead of transforming into Iruka-sensei, Naruto transformed into a naked girl, proclaiming it was his "sexy jutsu" and giving Iruka-sensei a nose bleed.

Needless to say, we spent the whole day reviewing the transformation jutsu.

Sasuke's POV

"We will now start the final exam," Iruka-sensei began, addressing the whole class. "When your name is called, proceed to the testing room. The final test will be on the clone jutsu. Successfully make three clones, and you pass. Minxie, you're up first."

"Iruka-sensei? If Minxie's new, she shouldn't be taking the exam yet. She's only been in the Academy for a little over a month," Sakura said, flipping her pink hair and blinking her green eyes innocently, gaining an eye roll from Minxie. "The rest of us have been here since we were children."

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