Training Has Never Been More Epic

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Story Start::

"Minxie, you need to go higher than that," Kakashi-sensei said flatly. He had shown me that, once I had my necklace on, I'd be able to float easily while concentrating my chakra and imagining that I'm as light as a feather. And I had floated!

Well, not exactly floated... I just hovered.

"I am higher! This is like two inches higher than I was ten minutes ago!" I argued, putting my hands on my hips as I suspended freely in the air.

My sensei sweatdropped, and I sighed. "Well! Excuse me for being paranoid that I might fall and plummet to my death!" I exclaimed, scowling at him.

"You know someone always catches you before you hit the ground," He pointed out.

"So!? That doesn't make the fact that I fall any better," I retorted, and he sighed. He walked over to Sasuke, who was viciously aiming his Chidori at rock structures. That lightning jutsu Kakashi-sensei had taught him was freakin' AMAZING. I wanted to learn it, but no, I had to spend my time trying to float.

"Hey! I feel so excluded! What's going on!?" I exclaimed, trying, unsuccessfully, to float over to them. I did move when I started making swimming motions in the air. Hm... Swimming in the air instead of water... Oh, I have many problems.

Sasuke looked at Kakashi-sensei, a fine eyebrow raised, and shrugged, walking over to me. He looked up at my floating form that was- heck yeah! -a bit taller than him.

"You're such a loser... I know you can do better than that," He said, gesturing to my slight hover.

"Listen, Duck-Butt, this is harder than it looks! You try floating when you're terrified of falling to your death!" I said, scowling at him.

"So because of that fear, you won't levitate higher, when you sure as hell know you can?" He said, raising an eyebrow.

"But I... Was that a compliment?" I asked, my eye twitching.

"Don't flatter yourself. Hn... Look, you can levitate higher. And if anything happens... I'll catch you, loser. You know... You'll just owe me something later on," He said, his famous smirk on his face.

"Psh, like I want to owe you anything... But fine, I'll try to levitate higher," I said, sighing dramatically. I closed my eyes, focusing my chakra and imagining myself even lighter than a sound wave.

When I opened my eyes again, I was about 20 feet into the air. Best part? I wasn't scared.


"This... Is... So... FLIPPING COOL! I'm just like... Standing here in the air!" I cheered, doing a little dance. "Oh my fudge... I JUST DANCED IN THE AIR!"

"Good. Now try moving," Sasuke said boredly.

I sweatdropped, "You just HAD to ruin the moment, huh?"

He smirked up at me. "Of course. Now try and move, dunce."

My eye twitched at him. "You're REALLY testing my patience here..."

"Like you don't test mine every single day," He scoffed.

"Being around me is like being in heaven, man! I'm awesome!" I argued.

"Yeah, right..." He muttered, and I rolled my eyes. I focused back on levitating, imagining myself moving in the air. Sure enough, when I opened my eyes, I was able to move freely.

Kakashi-sensei smiled up at me. "Great job, Minxie. Now we can-"

"WAIT! I NEED TO DO SOMETHING FIRST!" I interrupted, and both he and Sasuke looked at me strangely, eyebrows raised.

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