My First Day At The Ninja Academy

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I woke up feeling anxious. Today was my first day going to the Ninja Academy. I didn't know why, but there was an odd feeling in my stomach. I couldn't explain it, and I hated it. I rarely got nervous. But now...

I sighed, getting up from my bed. I took a quick shower, and put on my clothes. Today, I wore a short sleeve blue crop top with fish nets underneath, black shorts, that tie thingy that I still didn't know the name of around my right thigh, and blue ninja shoes. This was basically my outfit all the time in this world. 

I clipped a pouch around my waist, and put my hair up into a high ponytail. My bangs were swept to the side, framing my face.

I walked out of my house, meeting Neji at the corner where he always waited for me. It'd been a few weeks since I'd appeared into this world, and I actually liked this one a whole lot better. It was way more interesting than where I was from, and here I had a whole bunch of friends. I fit in better here, and I had come to really like it. 

Guy-sensei had taught me many more jutsus, and I'd perfected most of them. I could make shadow clones, which Guy-sensei said were special, and I could control my chakra nature, which was water. I knew a few genjutsu, but I enjoyed ninjutsu and taijutsu more.

Tenten had also showed me how to excel in weaponry, and Lee trained with me a lot for the taijutsu. He was impossibly fast though, and since I was new to this whole ninja thing, it wasn't easy. 

Neji spared with me as well, but even I could tell that he was holding back. Tenten told me that she found it odd. He was never nice or easy on anyone. She said I was an exception, and I didn't know why. Probably because we were best friends.

"Minx?" Neji called, bringing me back to my wondering mind. 

"Oh! Yes?" I said, blinking twice and looking at him with a smile on my face. 

"Are you excited?" He asked. 

"Yeah...just a little...nervous, I guess," I admitted. 

"So the great Minxie is nervous? What has this world come to?" He asked teasingly. 

I punched his arm playfully. "Well...I've never been to a ninja school before. Of course I'm going to be nervous!" I defended. 

He chuckled, clenching his arm. "Well, considering how hard you just hit me, I know you'll do perfectly fine. No one in the Academy knows much about their chakra nature, but you do, and you found it out by yourself. Plus, who knows? Maybe you'll start floating again," He said. 

"Don't jinx it! Floating is the last thing on my mind now!" I said. 

He chuckled slightly, and we continued walking, mindlessly joking around with one another.

"Alright. Here you are. The Academy is just down the road. Good luck, Minx," Neji said, pointing to a road. 

Before he could leave, I grabbed him and pulled him into a hug. 

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