The Mist Battle Continues

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"Ah, there she is," Kakashi-sensei said as I walked into the house.

I nodded. "Yeah... Sorry for walking out like that..." I looked around the house, seeing everyone besides Naruto and Inari. "Where's Naruto?"

"MINXIE!" Someone shouted, and I was instantly tackled into the ground. I blinked about twenty extra times, and I laughed when I saw that it was Naruto who had tackled me.

"You and I have a history of just falling on each other, don't we?" I joked, smiling. He grinned back.

"Are you okay? I swear, if Inari said anything that made you feel bad, I'll pummel him into next week!" He announced.

I smiled, shaking my head. "No, Naruto, it's fine. Keep everyone in this week, thank you," I said, and we both stood up.

"Where's Sasuke?" Sakura asked.

"Oh, I'm fine, thanks for asking. But Duck-butt's outside. He'll be coming inside in a few," I said, and she sighed, sounding sort of guilty. "Sakura, you know I'm just playing, right?" She smiled then, her green eyes lighting up happily.

"You came back happy," Kakashi-sensei noted.

"Yeah, that's true... Should we be worried?" Tazuna asked. 

I sweatdropped. "Is me being nice really that unexpected?" I asked, putting my hands on my hips.

"Yes, yes it is," Everyone said at the same times. I sighed. This was bad. Tazuna and Tsunami didn't even know me like that... And they had answered! This sucks, man! Oh, well. They're actually right... Anyway!

"But it's-" Suddenly, Naruto just stopped talking and fell in my arms.

"Um... Confusion... Why?" I asked, staring at my blonde best friend who was suddenly knocked out. His left arm was around my shoulders, and my right arm was around his waist. He had seriously just fallen asleep in my arms.

"He's exhausted from training. We told him to get some sleep, but he refused to do so until he saw you were back," Kakashi-sensei explained.

"Ah... That's so sweet..." I said, smiling at him. Suddenly, his weight got twenty times heavier as he hunched over. "Okay, sweet moment over. Holy god, he's heavy... Help?"

Everyone laughed, and Kakashi-sensei lifted him up. I let out a breath, wiping imaginary sweat from my forehead as I looked up at my sensei. "You certainly look better," I noted.

"I feel a lot better. Most of my strength has returned. We'll all head out tomorrow, bright and early," He said.

I sighed deeply. "Bright and early... I had a feeling you'd say that... But sunshine and I don't mix..." I muttered.

He chuckled, ruffling my hair. I patted his hands away, scowling at him. "Don't touch the hair, man! It might end up looking like Sasuke's!" I protested.

I Got Caught In A Storm... And Now I'm Stuck In Naruto!?!?Where stories live. Discover now