The Pedophile Known As Orochimaru

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Recap: "Sorry, Sasuke... But I just  can't remember that stupid password!" Naruto said, grinning as he stood on a tree branch.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why I love Naruto so much.

Story Start::

"Naruto, nice job trying to save the day and all... But now's a good time to run for your life! This guy is way out of our league!" Sasuke said.

"Good work defeating the giant snake, Naruto..." MJ's offspring said.

"Woah! He sent a giant snake after you, too?" I said, looking up at my blonde best friend.

He nodded. "It was HUGE! It almost ate me! But I got out, though, once I used my-"

"This isn't the time to have a conversation, you two!" Sasuke interrupted.

"You're so rude... But I guess I'll listen... For now," I said, rolling my eyes and getting into a fighting stance. But... There was no need. Sasuke had already deactivated his Sharingan.

He took out our scroll and held it up to our enemy. "Here! Take it! Just take it and go!" Sasuke said. Heh... It sounded like he was giving what we needed to pass to some freak who wanted more than just our scroll...


"Sasuke! Are you crazy!? What kind of strategy involves giving away everything we've got!? We need the scroll to pass!" Naruto shouted.

"Heh... You're natural born prey, aren't you?" The leader of KISS said.

"Come and get it!" Sasuke said, tossing the scroll into the air. He was insane. Naruto grabbed the scroll before it reached the enemy's hands. Then, he did something unexpected when Sasuke yelled at him. He smacked the ravenette. Hard. 

"What the hell, Naruto!?" Sasuke hissed, now on an opposite branch of the blonde.

"I may not know the password... But this jerk is not Sasuke!" Naruto argued.

"Idiot! I'm me!" Sasuke growled, scowling at him.

"That's such bull! You're a coward, unlike the real Sasuke, idiot! So you're not him! Plus, there's no guarantee that this guy's gonna spare us... So giving him our scroll is pointless!" Naruto objected.

"He's right, boy. Why would I settle for only taking your scroll... When I can kill you all and take the scroll?" MJ's offspring said. Seriously. What's with this guy? He needs a HOUSE. He then bit his finger, drawing blood, and summoned a huge snake, bigger than the one that had attacked us.

"Dude... What's wrong with birds? Or cats? Dogs, maybe? Why must it be snakes!?" I exclaimed, getting exasperated. Really, he was making me hate snakes.

Naruto charged for the leader of KISS, but the snake got to him first, slamming him against its huge stomach. He coughed up blood, but before the snake could hit him again, he... Holy cheese. He smacked the snake and made it fly back!

Wow... I didn't expect Naruto to have that much physical strength. Aw, man... Now I feel useless. I really don't want to be Sakura... Sigh.

I looked up, and saw that Naruto's eyes had changed. He looked just like he had in the Land of Waves. After seeing Sasuke 'die,' he completely snapped, and turned into... Whatever that thing was. A fox, it looked like.

Michael Jackson's offspring sent a gust of wind at Naruto, blowing him back, and charged straight on for Sasuke, whom had lost all his wonderful Uchiha bravado moments ago. But before the snake could reach him, Naruto got in the way, stopping it abruptly with only his body. Damn, he was strong.

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