The Mist Battle: Pt. 3

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Recap: I ran over to him with blinding speed, cutting him with my katana and pulling him out of the mirrors. He stared at me, shocked, "How did you...?"

"I really don't know... But what I do know is that now, you're fighting me. And I'm sure as hell not going to go easy on you."

Story Start::

Haku and I had been fighting for about 10 minutes, and all I had succeeded in doing was cutting him a few times and giving him a few punches using taijutsu. But he still hadn't given up.

"You're good... Majored in taijutsu?" He asked as I pushed his senbon back with my katana.

"Something like that," I answered, spinning and stabbing my katana into his leg. He staggered backwards, but looked at me, tilting his mask covered face.

"With moves like that, you'll never kill me," He said.

"I never said I wanted to," I countered, putting my katana back into its holder.

"You don't want to kill me? But I hurt your friend... Isn't he precious to you?" He put his senbon away, noticing that now, it would be a jutsu battle.

I gritted my teeth. "Of course he is... But that doesn't mean I'll take a human life just like that. I'm not that cruel. Every life has meaning, even yours."

"That's something people from your village would call honorable, but I can't say the same for me. Anyone who tries to hurt he who is precious to me, I'll kill without a second thought. Shouldn't you do the same?"

"I don't know. Maybe I'm just too nice to take another life." He almost stabbed me with a senbon, but I dodged quickly. "But that doesn't mean that I won't hurt you severely for what you did to Sasuke," I said, smiling sweetly and creating hand signs quickly. 

He kicked me and I skidded backward in crouch, but I continued making my hand signs. When I finished, I quickly said, "Wood Style: Tree Branch Capture Jutsu!" Branches sprang up from the ground, wrapping themselves around Haku's ankles and wrists.

"What!? How did you even-"

"My sensei told you not to underestimate us. He did say that I was the brightest and most powerful kunoichi of my age, didn't he? I've got to live up to that title, don't I?" I said, smirking. I made a few more hand signs and placed the palms of my hands on the ground and said, "Earth Style: Ground Rupture Jutsu!" The ground started splitting randomly, like an earthquake was occurring just in Haku's area.

"You little brat!" Zabuza hissed, charging for me. But Kakashi-sensei stopped him with his kunai, smiling his closed-eye smile. 

"I thought I made it clear to not underestimate my team," Kakashi-sensei said.

Zabuza then did something creepy. He started laughing. And my eye started twitching at that. "What the hell?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

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