Chapter 18.

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Wow look I updated. Lol you guys are about to hate me. Love you anyways and hope you enjoy!  P.s. I finally picked someone to play Storm! It's Nina Dobrev, I feel like her and Storm are a lot alike. That's all! Xx

***Storm's P.OV.***

It was early the next morning while me, Issac, and Allison were trying to find some type of clue as to were Lydia could have gone. Her car was gone from Scott's house which made absolutely no sense, but if we find the car maybe we'll find something, anything. Allison and me were stressed beyond belief and Issac was trying his best to keep us clam but it wasn't working. Scott tried to talk Allison into letting him come with us but we both agreed he needed to stay with Stiles.

"Where did they find stiles again?" Allison spoke up causing me to snap out of my train of thought as I drove down random roads.

"That parking lot a few blocks from here." I said back to her glancing at her through my mirror.

"Go there." Her and Issac said at the same time causing a small laugh to leave my lips nodding. Pulling into the parking lot the only car besides ours, was Lydia's. It was parked in the middle of the lot with nothing around or near it.

"How the hell did her car get here?" I said to no one in specific as I parked my own car getting out along with Issac and Alison. The three of us slowly walked up to the car scared to see what was inside. Issac's hand slipped into mine giving me a tight squeeze. Looking into the window the car was completely empty.

"No, no it can't be empty. There has to be something here." Allison said shaking her head as he began walking around the car making sure we weren't overlooking anything. Looking underneath the car there was still nothing. Standing back up Allison was looking around and then at me.

"There has to be some kind of clue she left us that she knew we'll find." I spoke softly as I continued to look around Issac doing the same.

"I can smell anger." He spoke softly as fiddled with the lock on her car. Looking up softly I saw Allison take a deep breath as we heard a click looking back down. Issac opened the door unlocking the rest of the car.

"You guys look inside, I'm gonna go call Scott and try to figure something out." Allison said to me softly as she walked away calling Scott. Sitting in the car we looked around to see nothing. I wanted to ask him one thing and only one thing. But I was scared the answer I would get wouldn't be good.

"Issac?" I spoke up as I looked inside the glove box. He stopped what he was doing and looked at me nodding.

"So, uh, the other night. When we were, together. Was that, uh you?" I asked him trailing off softly feeling my throat grow dry from the question. He looked at me with soft eyes showing pure love.

"After I left the hospital?" He asked me as I nodded quickly.

"Uh, yeah. That was me." He said to me softly as his cheeks grew red making me smile some nodding as I kept looking.

"Okay." Is all I said in a quiet voice as I looked over at him. His eyes looked at me and he let a small smile out.

"Did you uh, want it to be somebody else?" He asked me in a slow voice causing me to quickly shake my head no.

"No, god no, of course not." I said to him seriously as a small laugh left my lips.

"Good, cause it was me. And I do remember it, I really remember it." He said to me softly as a smile formed on his lips. Smiling back at him I slowly looked forward and that's when something hit me. Opening the car door I called Allison over.

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