Chapter 31.

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*** Issac's P.O.V.***

"It's okay." Storm softly whispered to me as if it was just us. It was happening too fast, there was no time to process anything. I could sense Storm was dying, I knew she wasn't going to make it. But I also knew nobody was thinking anything through, since she was gone everything has been chaos. Storm's body was getting colder in my arms and I couldn't take her pain anymore. It was too painful and I was already too weak, the more I tried the worse I was getting and it wasn't even helping her. I knew I was losing her, after spending all this time trying to get her back. After the months of us being broken up due to me being nothing less than stupid and self-centered, I was losing her again just as quickly. She could tell too, she knew what was happening, she was already so weak she had no more fight in her. I knew this was a stupid idea, but I couldn't stop her and that's what was terrifying to me. Until Derek's words broke my trance.

"Do it!" Derek screamed at Scott as my eyes flashed to him and an uncontrollable growl left my lips as I saw his desperate eyes flash to her arm laying over my own. Our eyes locked as I shook my head.

"Scott don't!" I screamed at him with a deep growl following it as I tried to move Storm away from him, she already looked so broken and I couldn't see him hurt her again. She was beaten to the point her beautiful tan skin was littered with black, blue, and purple bruises all over as they go through the different healing stages. She had small cuts all over her face and she was so thin. Then there was the black blood dripping from her lips and thigh that covered both of us. I needed them to stop hurting her. But with a look of desperation, I saw Scott grab her arm and in seconds bite into it. 

Everything was silent, the fighting had stopped and nobody was moving. They all looked frozen. The scream that left Storm's lips was ear piercing, but it was Lydia's scream that followed which caused everyone to freeze. Scott was looking at Storm's arm that he still had in his hand before slowly turning back to Derek. Looking down at Storm I felt my body shake as her now limp body lay in my arms. I focused my hearing on her heart but I couldn't hear anything.  Her head was laying softly on my chest but her eyes were closed with her lips slightly parted. Her chest wasn't moving, she was cold, and her hand that was once holding mine was now loose.

"Storm." My voice cracked as I started shaking her limp body in my arms. This wasn't happening I can't lose her. We didn't even get to say goodbye.

When I shook her I saw her arm with the bite fall lifeless to the ground. Choking back a sob I pulled her closer into my chest letting the cries leave my lips.

"No, no, no. Baby please." I cried out into her hair keeping her pressed against me. Looking up I felt my body continue to shake as I met Scott's eyes. He looked terrified as he stared at Storm in my arms. The fighting around us was only getting louder as reality came back. I heard B screaming that we have to leave. As I looked past Scott I saw Stiles as Lydia sobbing, Stiles couldn't take his eyes off of Storm. He stared at her in fear until B yanked him and Lydia out. Laying her flat I started pushing on her chest giving her chest compressions. 30 and 2 that's what it is I think, maybe 30 and 3. Fuck anything, something has to work. I continued with the reps and tried my best to revive her. I was doing anything to hear a heart beat. I pushed her chest as hard as I could hearing a small crack. I was shaking but this is all I knew, I can't let her just die. Not like this, not here.

"C'mon Storm, breath." I grunted ask I continued not missing a single beat. I couldn't hear anything around us, my only focus was to hear her heartbeat. But with the minutes passing and the silence only growing louder I knew it wasn't working. I saw Scott in front of me trying to stop me, trying to say something to me but it was silent. The only sound I wanted to hear was so silent it was deafening.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2022 ⏰

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