Chapter 19.

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Hey guys! Gonna try to keep updating regularly. Don't forget to comment and vote on the chapters! Also there's a few things I didn't quite know how to spell in this chapter but I hope you like it. Also I'm thinking about putting up another fanfic, for 5 seconds of summer. Still debating. Let me know what you think! Love you! Xx

P.s; after this chapter your going to be faced with a whole new Storm. Get ready ;)

    ***Storm's P.O.V.***

I could feel my chest getting tighter and tighter with every breath I took. I wanted nothing more then to just slap myself out of whatever was happening to me right now but I couldn't. Issac was sitting a few inches away from me and Scott was silent. His eyes looked straight ahead as Scott held my body with a firm grip but not saying a word. Until I saw Argent walk over to us shaking slightly and holding himself together. I couldn't look at him, I didn't protect her. I let his daughter die. My best friend. But I couldn't ignore him, I can't. Softly looking up he walked over to us and motioned for Scott to follow him.

"What are you doing?" I asked him in a weak voice as I stood up with Scott.

"The police are going to question you guys and you all need the same story. Scott was holding her. He's her boyfriend. They're going to ask him the most since his DNA is all over her as well. C'mon" he said as the three of us stood up and followed him over to a fence that Scott was already gripping onto. I could see how fast he was breathing and he was minuets from an anxiety attack. Argent told us the story we had to tell the cops about how some guys tried to steal the car.

"Scott! Look at me! Look at me I need you to remember. You called me first, okay?" Argent yelled at him trying to get him to focus as he tried to get Scott to repeat it.

"Scott! I need you to say it, say you called me first." He screamed again and his head snapped in his direction. His eyes darted to me before looking at argent taking a shaky breath.

"I called you." Scott finally said taking deep breath but argent shook his head at him disapproving.

"Not you, say Mr. Argent or her dad." He said to Scott again sounding so calm as if nothing just happened.

"I called her dad first." Scott said correcting himself as he gripped the rails of the gate for dear life.

"Then what? What happened?" Argent said to him sternly as he tried coaching him through it. Argent slowly looked at me in which I wiped the tears streaming down my face away and picked my head up steadying my breathing. I couldn't be weak. I can't. Fuck this, I can't do this.

"There was two of them. They tried to steal our car. They wore mask, one of them had a knife-" Scott said to him in a fast pace starring straight ahead where we just were. Before Argent cut him off.

"You think, don't get specific Scott. You saw something shiny and metallic. You think it was a knife. What do you say next?" He asked Scott as he kept starring ahead his breathing fast. Issac's hand slowly laced into my own as I squeezed it back. I wanted to leave. I wanted this all to be over and be some fucked up dream.

"If you get confused what do you always repeat?" He asked Scott his voice firm as he looked from him to us as if saying it to all of us. Which he did.

"It happened so fast." Scott breathed out as his grip tightened. I know we're suppose to be tough but I can't believe Argent isn't acting the littlest bit hurt.

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