Chapter 15.

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Okay so for some reason the end of the last chapter never published so basically it ended mid sentence and since I'm to lazy to got back and redo it we're keeping it the same. And between you and me the ending sucked so sorry if you were confused! Oh and for you all saying how I spell Derek's name wrong im sorry I noticed from now on it should be correct. And sorry for the long wait!
****Storm's P.O.V.*****
Hearing my phone ring I groaned some rolling over. Looking at the time it was 12;40 in the morning. Who the hell could be calling me right now. After yesterday we meet up with Scott and stiles and took stiles home. Scott's dad is fine he just hurt his shoulder pretty bad but he'll be fine. Grabbing my phone I saw it was Scott and quickly answered it.
"Scott?" I asked him worried sitting up more and turning on my lamp.
"Storm get dressed me and Issac are on our way to get you." He said quickly and worried. Hearing a door close I got out of bed quickly going to my closet.
"What? why what's wrong?" I asked him throwing on a pair of leggings and boots.
"It's stiles, he doesn't know where he's at and something wrongs with his foot. He's scared and he said their might be someone else in the room with him."
He spoke quickly not making much sense but enough for me to know it's serious.
"Okay, okay calm down. Did he say what it looks like?" I asked him throwing a hoodie over top of my tank top and quickly putting my hair in a bun.
"He said maybe a basement and that's it's Frezzing down there." He said loudly as he was most likely ridding his dirt bike over.
"How did he get down there?" I asked him walking down my steps quickly while grabbing my duffel bag full of hunting and defense stuff.
"He think he sleepwalked there." He said quickly as I walked out the house as soon as they pulled up. Issac and Scott quickly got off the bike and ran over the me.
"Go to stiles house." Scott said quickly making me nod and get in the car quickly. Scott sat in the middle in the backseat while Issac sat in the front.
"Shouldn't we call his dad? I mean he's a cop he deals with this kind of stuff all the time." I said as I made my way to stiles.
"He doesn't want me too. He said his dad already worries about him enough." Scott said shaking his head. Sighing I drove as fast as I could to his house.
"Why are we going to his house?" Issac asked Scott curiously making me nod wondering the same thing.
"Their has to be something their telling us where he is." He said as we pulled in the driveway. Shrugging some we got out the car. He had a point. Looking over is as Lydia's car here but ignored it thinking it could be his neighbor.
walking in his room we quickly stopped seeing Lydia and Aiden standing there.
"He called you too?" Scott asked her worried but she shook her head no. So it was her car.
"I heard him." She said quietly making Scott just take a deep breath and pull his hair. Lydia made her way over to me and quickly hugged me. Hugging her back tightly I took a deep breath seeing she was okay since I haven't seen her since the party.
"Don't ask it's more confusing when you ask." Adien said making us all nod and Isaac mouth okay pulling me to his side some.
"Not as confusing as this." Lydia said starting at his bed which at red strings all over and attached to this wall.
"He uses red for unsolved cases." Lydia said again looking at us all making me shake my head looking at it. Red was all you could see. A red string attached to picture after picture.
"Maybe he thinks he's part of an unsolved case." Adien shrugged making Isaac sigh.
"Or is an unsolved case." Isaac say looking at the wall with the cases.
" hold on is he still out there? You don't know where he is?" Lydia said looking at us all and I just looked down not wanting to get brought in this. I just wanted to find stiles
"He said he's in an industrial basement somewhere. " Scott said worried shaking his head and Isaac nodded some.
"We came here to get a better secant." He added on and I looked up some haut know hearing this information.
"What else did he say?" I asked them softly making Lydia nod at them.
"That something's wrong with his leg, it's bleeding." Scott said sounding even more worried. Well now I'm beyond scared.
"And he's freezing." Isaac added on looking at Scott some then us.
"Tonight's like the coldest night of the year. It's gonna drop in the 20's." He said sounding Angry which kind of confused me since stiles isn't his friend. But he did have a big point.
"What did his dad say?" Lydia asked and me and Isaac looked down hinting for Scott to talk.
"We kind of didn't tell him yet." He said looking around. Glancing up Lydia looked at him and us like we were stupid. Which I don't blame her.
"Stiles is bleeding and freezing and you didn't call his dad?" She said to Scott with annoyance along with Adien.
"He made me promise not too, we can find him by scent. If he was sleep walking he couldn't of gone far. Right?" Scott said looking at all of us and Adien shook his head starting at Scott.
"Yeah right, you didn't notice his jeep was gone did you?" Adien said and my mouth dropped as I grabbed my hair.
"Oh my god." I said turning around trying to get a grip and then face forward again having a moment to myself.
"You promised not to call his dad but I didn't." Lydia said starting to type on her phone causing Scott's eyes to widen.
"Lydia hold on. I can get more help, I can call Derek, Allison-" he started saying but Lydia cut him off.
"Everyone except for the cops, great idea!" She said snapping her voice getting more high as she started at Scott completely pissed.
"You guys remember she only gets these feelings when somebody's about to die, right?" Adien said annoyed looking at us only causing me to get more scared. Thanks Adien can always count on your for some reassuring. Scott just looked around the room as me and Isaac along with Lydia and Adien started at him knowing what Adien said was true.
"You don't have to call his dad. We're five minuets from the station." Scott said shaking his head making a deep breath from me get let out. Oh thank god. Scott said turning around making us do the same.
"I'll catch up." Lydia said causing us all to turn around as she stopped Adien. Looking at her confused she just shook her head.
"What, why?" Scott asked and she sighed looking around his room.
"There is something here." She said seriously and Isaac looked at her shrugging.
"Yeah evidence of total insanity." He said causing me to glare at him slapping his chest hard.
"We can figure out what's wrong with him after we find a way to keep him from freezing to death." Scott said shaking hair head causing me to nod glaring at Isaac.
"Can we stop with the word death or die please." I said not wanting to think of one of my best friends dying.
"Go I'll be right behind you." Lydia said seriously and we nodded walking out the house leaving Lydia and Adien there. Walking out we all got in my car ready to go to the station.
"Scott calm down." I said seeing Scott shake in fear and tap his leg fast in the car. He looked at me shaking my head.
"Shut up storm cause if anybody needs to calm down its you." He said coldly hearing my heart rate go wild from the stress and fear. Sighing I just backed out knowing to leave it alone. Pulling in we walked in at quickly seeing stilinski. Scott slowly told him and he gripped his desk looking down breathing heavy. "If his jeep is gone that's were we start." He said to Scott and walked away over it Parrish. Scott looked at me and issac confused as how good he was taking it. He started talking to the other sheriffs telling them what to look for and he just stood back watching. He pulled the three of us in his office making me a little worried.
"Okay is there anything you need to tell me that's I can't tell everybody else out there?" He asked us seriously and in a panic. Looking at Scott some stilinski sighed.
"Lydia knew he was missing." Scott said and he nodded.
"Is she helping us find him?" He asked and I nodded speaking up.
"She's working on it." I said to him and he nodded at me.
"Anything else?" He asked us and we all just looked at each other.
"We can call Derek and Allison for help." Scott said and he nodded some taking a deep breath.
"Alright can you find him by scent?" He asked Issac and Scott already panicking more then us. But it is his sun so it makes sense. Scott went to say something but Parrish walked in.
"Found the jeep sir." he said walking in looking at all of us. Sherif nodded and glanced at us quickly. Sighing we walked out. Scott said he called Allison and Derek and was going to go with stilinski so it was just me and Isaac in the car driving to the hospital.
"Babe he's going to be okay." Issac said to me softly as I speed behind the three cop cars. Resting his hand on my inner thigh I just sighed.
"I hope so." I said back and he squeezed my thigh some reassuringly. Looking over at him he smiled softly at me instantly making me relax some.
"Scott just texted me and said Derek's at the roof so we got to go there once we get here." Issac said right as we pulled in. As soon as the cars parked we all hopped out and ran the other direction as the cops. Issac grabbed my hand holding it tightly as we ran with Scott up to the roof. I was struggling to keep up with their long legs because my short ones can only go so fast. Running up we opened the door seeing Derek facing forward.
"He's not here. Not anymore." He said as soon as he got up there. Turning some we stopped as Scott walked forward some.
"You mean he's not in the whole building." Scott said breathing heavily looking at Derek.
"Gone." He said bluntly causing Scott to breath heavily. Issac looked at me some and smiled sadly kissing my head as my breathing became uneven.
"We'll go tell stilinski." Issac said to Scott interlocking his fingers with mine. Scott turned around nodding some looking at me.
"See if you can find Allison she's not answering her phone." He said seriously and I nodded kissing his cheek walking away. And no I don't like him he's my best friend and its a friendly gesture. Issac pulled my hand some pulling me off the roof and back down the stairs. The only spike being heard was our foot steps on the medal stairs. Running up to sharif some I grabbed his arm stopping him.
" we didn't find anything." I said to him softly and he sighed nodding.
"Nether did we." He said as ms. McCall stood beside him smiling softly at me. I went to say something when my phone rang.
"Yeah?" I said quickly seeing it was Lydia. I could hear a lot of moving.
"Echine house. He's at echine house." She said to me quickly and in a panic. Having her on speaker stilinski looked at my confused.
"A mental hospital?" He asked her and she sighed loudly honking her horn.
"Just trust me." She said and hung up. Stilinski nodded and rand off having me text Scott telling him.
"We still need to find Allison." Issac said to me and I sighed nodding walking out hand in hand with him. Issac quickly sat in the drivers seat making me roll my eyes sitting int he passenger seat. Still holding my hand I called Allison not getting anything.
"God damnit Allison answer your phone." I said out loud growing annoyed. Issac sighed squeezing my hand some.
"It is late storm." Issac said glancing at the time. It was about 3 am but Allison would've answered by now. Getting a text from Scott and I sighed loudly.
"They didn't find anything at echine house." I said annoyed locking my phone looking at Isaac.
"Storm calm down we are going to find him I promise you." Taking I deep breath I just sighed looking out the window. Where the hell are you stiles. Not any sooner Isaac got a call from Scott sayid his dad and mom found stiles asleep by a tree and he was just sleep walking and imaging the whole thing. But that didn't stop us from seeing what was wrong with Allison. Pulling into allisons house me and Isaac ran in banging on the front door. The door quickly opened reviling a half awake Allison.
"What the hell have you been doing?" Issac said to her quickly and she looked taken back but blinked some.
"Sleeping what the hell are you doing?" she asked him sounding so confused. Pushing him away I looked at her confused.
"You don't get any calls or text?" I said to her genuinely confused. I know my best friend she would've woken up by the hundreds of calls and text we all sent her. She turned around and ran to her room making me follow along with Isaac shutting the door. Walking in her room she walked up to her phone. Picking it up she looked at me confused.
"My phones off. I never turn my phone off." She said to me seriously but I already knew that's making me grow even more confused. As soon as it turned on text and missed calls came flooding in.
"Sleep walking? Is he okay?" She alas sis growing concerned and he both nodded.
"Yeah they flush him a few minutes ago bringing him to the hospital." Issac said standing behind me as Allison nodded looking at her phone confused.
"I don't know what happened I never turn it off." She said scrolling through the notifications from all of us. Scrunching her eyebrows together she had a voice mail from an unknown number. An Asian man started talking causing her to look up confused and taken back.
"Who is that?" I asked her moving closer to her as it played on leaving the three of us confused. Sighing some I shook my head.
"We'll figure it out in the morning. We got school in less then 6 hours we need to just go to sleep." I said to them seriously and she nodded throwing some pillows on the ground.
"Yeah you guys can just sleep here." She said as me and her climbed in her bed and Isaac laid on the ground.
Standing by Scott in the halls Allison as laying her head on his shoulder as he was still upset and nervous since stiles was still in the hospital. I was leaning my back against issacs chest as he held my waist and Lydia stood beside my quietly and squeezed her eyes shut like she has been. But won't tell us she's hearing anything even though we know she is. After stilinski yelled at her at echine house she's not said what she's hearing probably scared to be wrong again.
"Scott! Storm!" Kira yelled down the hall way but me and Scott just looked at each other and sighed walking away with he and Allison hand in hand and me and Isaac doing the same Lydia right beside us. It hurt ignoring her since we are kind of her friends but right now we are to worried about our best friend and friends we've had for years then someone we just met and as mean as it sounded it was true.
"I'll see you soon okay?" Allison said to Scott since we need to go to mr. Yukimura's to ask what the voice mail was saying. Nodding she pecked his lips and me her and Isaac walked to the class as Scott and Lydia walked away. Allison explained she got a random message and doesn't know what it was saying and he is now listing to it.
"It's Japanese, who left this on your phone?" He asked her as it still played Some.
"I don't know all the messages are the same and they all say blocked ID." She said to him and he nodded some growing confused listing to it more.
"Can you translate it?" Issac asked him and he shrugged some.
"Mostly, the man speaking is giving instructions actually. The first line is all evacuees are to stay at least ten feet back from outside fences." He said to us and we looked at each other confused.
"What does that mean? What fences?" I asked him and Allison nodded at him confused too.
"Fences surrounding a Japanese informant camp during World War II. After perl harbor Japanese Americans were rounded up into camps. This man is reading instructions to prisoners appon their arrival." He said handing Allison her phone back siting up off his desk. Allison took it and looked at him confused.
"Where does something like this come from?" She asked him still not making much sense of this.
"I have no idea. Because it's fake." He said causing us both to look up at him confused.
"It mentions the name of the informal camp is oak creek. There was no informant camp named oak creek in California." He said seriously and we just nodded some looking at each other.
"Thank you." Allison said and he nodded as we walked out the class more confused then when we walked in.
"What the hell does that mean?" I asked Allison or Isaac whoever could answer.
"I have no idea." Allison said shaking her head walking down the hall.
"Scott just left to go be with stiles for his car scan test." Issac said looking at his phone. Nodding some I took a shaky breath knowing they're looking for what his mom has and their is no cure. So basically he will die. I was going to come but I know stiles and Scott needed each other right now and his dad and Scott's mom are there too so their is already enough people. But that doesn't mean I love my best friend any less. I just don't want to be worried any more then I need to be. Since school was already over we really had nothing to do besides wait for stiles test to be done. And we both were worried about Lydia.
Sitting on my bed we just listened to music and talking about nothing important. And for once I felt like a normal teenager hanging out with her friends. But then again it wasn't because Scott called us and told us to come to the hospital because him and Derek think they found something more about why stiles called and what he was doing on the roof. Pulling into the hospital i was driving with Isaac in the passenger seat and Allison in the back. Pulling up we saw a ambulance wrecked and Kira standing near the entrance looking scared. All of us got out of the car as Kira yelled.
"Everyone get back! Everyone get back!" She kept yelling making me look at her confused then hear sizzling seeing a ambulance driver being shocked. Looking down I saw a electric wire laying in water that was spreading closer to Us. Before I could think I went to run to the man but was instantly stopped.
"STORM!" Issac screamed at me loudly and pushed my out of the way making my fly in the air landing on the grass near Allison since she was already there. Looking back my whole world stopped.
"Issac!" I yelled to him as his first foot hit the electric water along with the other. His whole body shook and he fell on his side in the water. Screaming I went to ran after him but Allison held me back. So all i could do was stare at his shaking body.
"Storm no." Allison said to me as I kept fighting her to get to Isaac. Seeing Kira flip over a car she landed in the water not being affected at all. She grabbed the wire and covered it with hand looking at us with glowing eyes. the electric from the wire being stopped as nurses ran to different people. Looking over I saw Derek and Scott. Pushing Allison off me I ran to Isaac seeing he was still on his side with his eyes and mouth open. Pushing him some tears fell form my eyes.
"Issac please. Please Isaac wake up." I said to him shaking Him trying to get a response but nothing. Putting my fingers to his neck all air was sucked from my lungs.
"Scott! Derek! Allison!" I yelled to them causing them to look my way. They stood there starring at me as I gripped onto issacs sweater.
"He's not breathing!" I yelled to them at the top of my lungs having them run over. Scott was the first to come beside me.
"Help us!" Derek yelled causing a nurse to run over with a bed. Scott and Derek picked issacs lifeless looking body up and placed him on the Greene as the nurses ran him inside with me behind them. The whole side of his face had scars and puffy blisters everywhere and the skin looked like it was completely gone. Scott just looked around as we were pushed back not allowed to go any further. He was hearing different conversations and looked like he was going to pass out.
"I'm taking him home. And by the way. Stiles is missing. Again." Derek said and I just nodded getting annoyed but right now I could care less cause all I was thinking about was wether or not the love of my life was going to live and it hurt like fucking hell knowing that e might die. I can't loose him I need him. I need him so much.

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