chapter 29.

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*** Storm's P.O.V.***

It's been five weeks since I was brought here. The only reason I know the time frame is due to overhearing Kate talking to someone about it today, if not I wouldn't have been able to tell you. I lost track of my days after 2 weeks. Everyday blurred into each other, nothing changed, I stayed chained in this dark room that didn't allow an ounce of sunlight in. The same gloomy green lights shinned not allowing me to even remember what light looked like. All I knew was darkness. I knew that when the buff guy changed with the smaller one that meant more pain was coming. I stopped getting hopeful after I heard any noise. All I knew is I stayed chained to the corner like an animal and got tortured every day trying to figure out what I was. I was strong, I tried to be brave, I tried to be all these things I promised I would be but its too much. Kate would try different "techniques" each day seeing if it sparked some form of supernatural and it seemed like it never did. I would get cut, stabbed, bit, scratched, and shot with needles day in and day out. She would only stop once I passed out sometimes or got too fatigued; then she would heal me just to do it all over again. She never tells me what shes trying when she does it, just screams for me to stop lying and say what I am. I can't grasp why she wants this so bad and why she hasn't just gotten rid of me. The buff guy was leaning outside of the cage or dungeon-like the thing I was in; maybe even a celler? I saw him glance at me and then sigh before rattling his keys opening the door. I feel my body go cold and the wave of pain wash over quickly as the door cracked.

"Here, eat." He mumbled laying a plate on the ground. It was a half-eaten sandwich that he kicked the plate towards me. Reaching out I grabbed the plate keeping my eyes on him showing no emotion. He slowly shut the door but sighed loud.

"You know kid if you just tell her what you are this would all be done." He sighed causing a low growl to escape my dehydrated lips.

"I already told you. I don't know." I spat at him taking a small bite from the sandwich, I only ate a few bites before kicking it back to the door. I don't know whats happened to the pack. I thought they would be here by now. Maybe I'm really lost, somewhere they never will be able to find me. Maybe this is better, so whatever happens, nothing would change. They're used to me not being there. And as long as they're hurting me they're not hurting them.

In the metal panel on the side of the door, I saw my reflection, my hair was matted and frizzy, my skin looked dirty with dirt from the floor all over me, I was thinner; I wasn't me. I looked as damaged as I felt, I barely recognized myself. Every instinct in my body was on high awareness as I looked around the room. They need to just get this over with, that's when I heard the giggle come down the hallway. The buff guy slowly turned to face me as he unlocked the door again. For a second I swore I saw him look at me with empathy. In seconds Kate waltzed into the room clapping her hands smiling.

"Alright, Stormi! So as per usual, what are you?" She grinned crouching to the grown as I sat helplessly. I kept my gaze hard as she spoke and slowly nodded.

"I don't-" I started saying but she flung her hand up clenching her jaw.

"NO! I'm asking one more time, what the hell are you." She spat and within seconds grabbed my face squeezing it as she stared me in the eyes. I tried getting out of her grip but she was stronger then me. Her few fingers were on my neck and made it slightly harder to breathe.

"Why do you even care so much?" I managed to get out before she aggresvily let go sighing straightening her posture. She started pacing keeping an evil grin on her face.

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