chapter 26

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***Storm's P.O.V.***
I've barely been sleeping. Each night i'm lucky if I get over 3 hours. Every little sound scares me half to death and I'm in a constant state of paranoia. I refuse to tell the others because I don't want to worry them more than they already are. They're constantly with me and if I'm not directly hanging out with them for some convenient reason they're just "hanging out". The past couple of nights Issac's been checking on me a lot more than normal. Asking if I'm okay or want him to sleep in here to make me feel safer. I just keep telling him no, I don't want him to think I've let this get the best of me. And I refuse to admit it has. So one occasions I've snuck into Scott's room and slept on the end of his bed just to get maybe 5 hours of sleep. He has never brought it up or even mentioned it to me, I think he knows I'm not okay and if this is helping he's letting it. I just can't bring myself to fully tell Issac because the last time I was venerable with him it hit me in the ass. He saw me as helpless and broken.

Today I slept from about 5-8 am. I feel safer when it's light out and I can see around me. I heard Issac get up and leave the house to go on a run. However, I've been noticing him and Scott and even Derek have been going on random runs a lot more. So I'm assuming it's to scout out the house and make sure no ones lurking around. Scott then got up and went down stairs to start planning. Everyone's been coming over everyday to figure out this hit list and why were marked at different rates. But mostly importantly why I'm on there. Scott knew I was awake but waits until I come down so I don't freak out again and say he's babysitting me. I looked around at the now full dressers I had in Scott's spare room. Lydia and Stiles brought a lot of my clothes and other things I need over, since it wasn't safe for me at my own home alone.  I threw on a pair of black leggings, sneakers, a white crop tank  top and my hair in a bun. As I finished getting ready I saw everyone start to pull up to the house so I made my way down. Scott instantly greeted me with a warm smile and pushed a cup of iced coffee in front of me as I sat on the end of the island.

"I think I finally got down how you like it." He said very perky and proud of himself. Laughing I slowly took a sip from the metal straw and was pleasantly surprised. It actually tasted good.

"It's only taken 2 weeks but I think you did it." I said to him back rubbing my eyes a little. His full smile flattened some as he started at  my face a little longer. The bags under my eyes were very noticeable and all the eye cream in the world wouldn't help. I also don't want to always put makeup on since it would still peak through. Lydia told me quickly it was pointless. He shook his head as Stiles and Lydia bursted in already bickering.

"If this whole alpha thing doesn't work out at least I can work at Starbucks." He smirked pushing off his concern since there wasn't much we could do to change the situation. Before I could answer Lydia was sliding in the chair beside me telling stiles to shut up.  Then Issac came in with his shirt extremely sweaty with Derek, Malia, Kira, and B behind him. He didn't say a word just headed straight upstairs to take a shower. 

"What are you guys fighting about already?" I asked Lydia as Stiles sat across her near Scott.

"Him always taking forever to get ready." She laughed causing us to join in. Quickly everyone rounded the island pulling up a chair or sitting on the counter tops. Besides Issac who was still upstairs.

"Alright once Issac is down we can go over what we think we know. Or a new plan." Scott said stretching some as everyone slightly nodded.

"I'll go get him." Malia said very excitedly as she jumped off the counter. Me and Stiles both snapped our necks to her and then each other. It's obvious something has happened between the two of them but she also was kinda booking up with Stiles so it's a weird dynamic. I felt my hand squeeze into a fist but lydia quickly nudged me as my leg started bouncing quickly.

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