Chapter 23.

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*Storm's P.O.V.*

It had been a little over a two weeks since everything with Issac had happened, no one really knew what happened and they didn't dare to ask. They saw the way I walked around the halls not daring to look up and wanted nothing more than to leave as soon as I could. Lydia was keeping a close eye on me even though she tried to deny it. She stayed with me most nights and if she wasn't there Scott or Stiles was. The three of them were the only ones I had told that we actually ended things. Kira and Malia just assumed since when they would even remotely bring it up I'd leave before the next two words were able to come out. Scott told B and Derek and they made sure I didn't do anything stupid and tried seeing how I was but I would just silently continue with my training.

The hardest part was when we all met up to discus what was happening and how quick it was coming. Issac would never look at me, and if he did it was briefly before he looked away taking a deep breath. I couldn't blame him I was no better if I looked at him for more than 5 seconds I felt as if I couldn't breathe again. I would of course have my good days but they would never last long. I was starting to realize things about myself that I once over looked due to how much I kept to myself. I did have anxiety and panic attacks a lot more than I believed I did. Not primarily because of Issac but everything. And that strength Gerard use to praise me on when he helped me and Allison train wasn't strength. It was just anger, I had so much anger built up in me that I felt like I could explode at any second. It wasn't anything special besides pure anger problems that have and probably will never be dealt with. Since it can come in handy when I need it.

But all of those things still weren't good enough because as I walked down the hall trying to get to Scott's locker I felt nothing but eyes on me. Everyone knew me and Issac had broken up, it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out. Although normally they would just look at me and then away feeling bad I guess, this time they kept their eyes locked on me not even trying to be subtle about it. As if they were waiting for something to happen. I looked around the hall slowly with only my eyes but saw nothing to find amusing. So instead I took a deep breath and continued on to Scott's locker getting annoyed by the second. I had on light skinny jeans, one of Scott's lacrosse hoodies from freshman year, my hair in a pony tail with minimal makeup since I didn't have the energy, along with my white converses.

As soon as I got to his locker I saw him pop his head up smiling and then soon realizing everyone was looking at me. I slid my backpack off my shoulder resting against the wall for a second of relief.

"They're starring at me Scott." I harshly sighed looking at him as if I was about to loose it any second. He just slowly looked around before stopping his gaze on something. Before I could turn around to see what he narrowed his gaze and grabbed my arm. 

"Let's go this way to Chem I want to grab a drink before." He tried covering as he shut his locker pulling me along. Grabbing his hand I stopped him and looked at him as if he was crazy.

"What is wrong with you?" I asked him seeing him still looking over me with narrowed eyes. Finally I pushed his arm and swung around to see what was so irritating to him. But after I did I immediately regretted it. I was now face to face with Issac, so that's why everyone was starring. I went to say something but I felt like I couldn't.

"Can we just talk?" He pleaded me with big eyes. But I didn't say anything I just starred at him because I haven't seen him in so long and for once he was unfamiliar to me.

"No you can't." Scott spat grabbing my arm to lead me away but I had been expecting this. He wouldn't stop texting me and I knew it was only time before he found me in school. So I just shrugged Scott's hand off and walked up to him.

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