Chapter 25

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*****Storms POV****

5:45 am

My phone was ringing off the hook and it seemed that every time I declined it, it rang again within seconds. Finally picking it up I debated on throwing it at a wall to break it but figured that was a bit dramatic. As soon as I answered it I couldn't even say anything before Stiles was speaking.

"It's about fucking time!" He screamed in the phone causing me to pull it away from my ear some.

"What can possibly be so important this early Stiles?" I groaned rolling back over in bed closing my eyes.

"Lydia talked to them. She got there message and you need to come." He said quickly but also in a whisper. My eyebrow slowly raised knowing this was the hunters. Since everything with Issac a lot has happened. There is a group of assassin/hunter after us and they're trying to kill everyone because they're supernatural. They each have some kind of price attached based on how wanted they all. Everyone's on but half the list was locked and Lydia has been trying to figure out why and what we need to do next. We only knew because Kate told Derek after he was almost killed by one.

"Why are you whispering?" I asked him suspicious and I heard him groan and let out a sigh.

"Look just get to Scott's okay." He said sternly causing me to just nod getting up and mumbling "okay". With that I hung up. I quickly brushed my hair and threw leggings and a long sleeve purple shirt on. It didn't take long before I was at Scott's as I walked in everyone's head immediately snapped to me. I slowed my pace and just looked at them since they seemed shocked.

"Uh what's going on?" I said looking at them as I entered the kitchen sitting beside Lydia. It was Lydia, Scott, Stiles, Kira, Derek, Malia, and Issac all sitting and standing around the kitchen. They all just looked at Stiles as he looked away.

"You weren't suppose to have her come." Issac spat at him very nasty. I was kind of shocked by the tone because he sounded pissed. Issac can loose his temper but he hasn't in a while yet he seemed close tonight.

"He said you found stuff out about the list?" I answered softly looking at Issac only for a second before everyone else. Scott just slowly nodded his head forcing a small smile at me.

"Yeah we did, it's a lot we don't have to get into it." He started saying but I only narrowed my eyes in confusion cutting him off.

"Stiles told me I needed to come so I'm here and if everyone else is it must be important now tell me." I said a lot more annoyed since everyone was acting so secretive. I looked around and no one made eye contact with me beside Issac who was also looking at them. "Okay, so Stiles you made me come tell me."

"Uh maybe I overacted it could've waited-" he started but I just glared going to open my mouth but stopped quickly.

"It's all for Kate, she's creating a army and wants some of us in it. We don't know exactly what she's trying to do but she's trying to get us and turn us against each other." Malia finally said probably tired of the back and forth. I glanced at her still not sure on my thoughts of her. She just forced a smile raising her brows as I looked to everyone else. They all slowly nodded.

"Okay? Well we need to get Kate, kill her for good probably-" I started saying quickly and Issac just shook his head huffing walking out of the room. I stopped what I was saying as Scott did a small sad smile going after him.

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