Chapter 4

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*****Storm's P.O.V.*****

When I woke up by my phones alarm I quickly turned it off. I turned around looking for Issac but his side of the bed was gone. Shaking my head I looked at my clock seeing it was 6am. Sitting up slightly rubbing my eyes my room was dark and peeks of the rising sun were coming in from the parted curtains. Taking my phone I saw I had a message from Issac.

From: Issac

Sorry you woke up without me babe. I left once you were asleep, didn't want your mom or dad seeing me and killing me :)

Shaking my head laughing some I went to my music and put on pandora as I went in my bathroom getting ready. After taking a shower I got out walking to my closet with my towel tightly wrapped around me. My parents don't even come home till 8. They work 8 to 8 shifts. So Issac was scared for nothing. Since I have a small walk in closet I was standing in the middle looking for something when I heard a door open and close making me stop in my tracks. They walked near my closet and I knew it wasn't my mom or dad because they would've said my name by now. Looking to my left I got on my tip toes quickly pulling out a kind that was on my top shelf pushed back far. Tucking my towel I'm tightly I held the knife to my side and stood by the closet door hearing the footsteps come closer. Seeing the black figure walk in I grabbed them by the arm and pulled them in fully while kicking the door shut then pushing them on it while putting the kong to their neck.

"Storm!" they person said making me stop seeing it was Issac. Quickly letting go of him he took the knife from my hand placing it on the top shelf.

"Okay I think we might need relationship consulting." He said breathing heavy making me laugh.

"What are you doing here I thought you left?" I asked him turning around going to get some clothes putting my underwear on under my towel I grabbed a bra and turned around seeing Issac stunned.

"Um turn around and talk idiot." I said laughing making him shut his mouth and nod turning around.

"I did but I came back so we could leave together and I left some of my clothes on your bed so I can have extras." He said slowly as I quickly put my bra on. Turning around I saw him looking to the side trying to see making me laugh.

"Keep your head forward Lahey, and next time tell me so I don't almost kill my boyfriend." I laughed hearing him do the same as I grabbed a black mid thigh length dress with sleeves that came right above my elbow.

"Most defiantly." He said quickly making me laugh. Grabbing my black/grey tights that had a fishnet look on them I put it on and a brown leather thick belt around my waist. Walking around Issac to my bathroom I heard him following.

"You know my parents work 8 to 8 shifts?" I asked standing in front of my mirror. Doing a braided headband and lightly straightening my hair but still having waves like how Lydia does a lot I looked at Issac.

"Oh um no." He said looking my up and down making me laugh and turn around. Doing a pink smokey eye with some black I applied eyeliner and mascara. Brushing my teeth and putting perfume on I walked out and out on my brown leather booties.

"Issac stop acting like you've never seen me get ready around you." I said as he trailed behind me.

"I'm just getting over the fact that I've seen you naked." He said making me whip around with big eyes.

"I mean with a towel on." He corrected himself making me calm down and laugh some.

"Well you've seen girl naked before so it's nothing new." I said making him shake his no.

"No I like you so it's different." He said making me blush.

"Cmon Issac." I said grabbing his hand leading him down stairs. Since I don't really eat in the morning I grabbing my keys I looked over at Issac.

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