Chapter 14.

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(Theirs a lot of Japanese names in this chapter that I have no idea how to spell so I ether spelled them how they sounded or just said some Japanese name lol but if they had a nick name I did put that. Sorry guys enjoy! And I'm sorry that I haven't uploaded in ages!)

*****Issac's P.O.V.*****

Walking out of Derek's loft Storm's grip on my hand loosened and she stopped walking. Stoping I turned and looked at her seeing her just standing there with a blank expression.

"Storm?" I said to her slowly making Scott and Alison stop and look at us. She started looked around quickly.

"Lydia. Where's Lydia?" she said quickly with her breathing and heartbeat picking up fast. What the hell is she having a panic attack?

"Where is she!" she screamed and I jumped some and looked back at Alison asking her but she just shrugged not knowing. Great. Scott came up beside me and went to touch her shoulder but she moved away.

"Storm calm down she's probably fine." Scott said to her soothingly but it didn't work she just kept shaking her head back and forth.

"No I have to know where she is." Storm said sounding like she was about to go a wall. Scott gave her a weird look making me confused.

"Why do you have to know where she is?" he asked her slowly and she looked at him with tears in her eyes.

"You didn't see it?" she asked him quietly with her voice cracking. He shook his head no and Alison walked up to Storm holding her hand some. Unlike me and Scott she didn't push Alison away she just gripped her hand tightly.

"They only went after you guys. The supernatural not me or Alison. Lydia is supernatural they could've done the same thing to her and she's probably Frezzing to death right now!" she screamed some and Alison shushed her quietly trying to calm her down. I looked at Scott giving him a she's right look. She was how the hell did we not catch that.

"Are you guys just going to stare at me like I'm insane!" she yelled and Alison quickly shook her head no.

"Your not insane let's go ask Aiden okay?" She said and Storm nodded quickly they went to turn around but the twins were already walking out with Kira.

"Aiden where's Lydia!" Storm said to him quickly running up and he stopped looking taken back.

"With Danny, why?" Aiden asked her while looking at us confused. He shook our head and I just glared at him. I really hate those two.

"Did it happen to her? Is she okay?" she said worriedly and Aiden nodded quickly while Ethan and Kira got in the car.

"Yeah I found her out on the balcony shaking and was Frezzing. She said they came out of the dark. But she's fine now okay?" he said to her seeing how scared she was. She nodded and he looked at me some. Wait that's the same thing I said? so it was those things that got Lydia. Nodding at Aiden he got in the car and drove off. Walking up to Storm I grabbed her hand and led her to the car as Alison hugged her some and got on the back of Scott's dirt bike. Getting in the car I figured i'd be better off driving. Storm stared blankly out the window.

"What was that back there? Did you have a panic attack?" I asked her as I followed Scott to Alison's. Looking over at her quickly she shrugged.

"I don't know. I guess I did." She said in a low voice and I nodded some. She's usually the strong one in the group. The one who can make any situation okay and give a laugh but she broke right there not bad but just got scared.

"Why?" I asked her and she just sighed probably frustrated at herself.

"I have this bad feeling Issac. Like bad. I don't know how to put it but when I didn't see Lydia an I saw those things go after you guys and Derek said they got him too I knew they must've got Lydia. I was scared she was still laying there or something. I don't know I just freaked out. All of this is getting way to much. " She said laying her head in the window taking deep breaths. Her heart rate was back to normal but I still felt useless. Placing my hand lightly on her thigh she placed her hand over top of it lacing out fingers together.

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