Chapter 24

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****Storm's P.O.V.*****

It's been about a month since my final blow up with Issac. Although things between us has seemed to calm down everything else has not. Basically whatever the hell Kate made or found are something out of a horror movie. They're huge and can't be destroyed or even killed. Nothing stops them, but they are her puppets. Derek is under some trance from her still, she turned him into a 15 year old again which was one of the weirdest things I've eve experienced. We got that figured out but he still isn't as strong as he was before Kate got him. One of Scott's old friends Theo randomly came back to town and something isn't right with him but I'm still figuring that part out. Other then that we've just been trying to figure out what the hell Kate wants and take her down.

But all of that seemed to fade as I pulled into Scott's driveway after him texting me to come. As I pulled in I saw him on the porch with Kira. She was giggling at something dumb he probably said as he was blushing leaving against the beam of his house. It was evident that she liked him, the way her face lit up around him and her smile never seemed to fade. She was so shy around us and more nervous but with Scott she came alive. Yet as I examined Scott more I could see he was on edge. He was nervous, his leg wouldn't stop bouncing since he was so bottled up as well as him fidgeting with his hands. It was like he was just nervous but I could tell there was more underlining it. I knew because every time we went to smoke as he looked at her his face scrunched up slightly then loosing the smile almost like he wasn't allowing himself to show it. That was when his eyes met mine as I parked my car and he took that as his escape.
I quickly got out of my car as he rubbed the back of his head looking at me and Kira.

"Hey what's u-" I started saying but was cut off by a frantic Scott stopping me.

"Storm hey! You ready to work on that thing?" He eyed me as Kira looked confusingly between us. Probably noticing how confused I was by all of this. I mean why did he tell me to come here ASAP when she's here? But I didn't vocalize or show that, I simply nodded smiling at him then a sympathetic one to Kira.

"Yeah! Uh sorry to interrupt Kira." I said to her but she just shook her head smiling.

"No worries, see you guys tomorrow. Bye Scott." She said smiling softly at him before walking away as he awkwardly waved at her. She soon got in her car and speed off leaving me now with a heavy breathing Scott. Walking up to him I grabbed his shaking shoulder as hard as I could.

"Hey what's going on?" I asked him quickly seeing his face was bright read and his chest was rising and falling at an alarming rate. His eyes were filled with tears trying to not let any slip. As well as sweat beaming his forehead. But what I couldn't shake was as he kept trying to gasp for air. All he did was look at me with big eyes shaking his head to my question. His mouth kept trying to form a word but couldn't due to him hyperventilating. That was when i knew he was having a panic attack.

"Okay, okay, sit down." I nodded knowing what was going on some now. I pushed his shoulder down almost forcing him to sit on the step. His body kept shaking as we sat but now everything from his head to his feet. Then I saw his eyes flicker between brown and red.

"Listen to me Scott, you have to try to calm down okay?" I softly said to him knowing this could get out of hand quick but he kept shaking his head saying he can't. Ever since Allison he's had trouble finding a new anchor. He can be his own anchor but times like this make it 10x harder. Usually he digs his claws into his hands which helps him come back by feeling the pain. But as I felt blood drip on my arm I saw he was already trying. Grabbing his hand I forced him to stop before he made his claws go straight through his hand.

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