Chapter 12

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***Storm's P.O.V.**

"So what did you guys do last night?" I asked stiles as we walked over to Scott's bike. Today/last night was mischief night and coaches birthday so usually me, Scott and stiles prank coach but I didn't go this year.

"Maybe if you actually came you would know." He said making me rolling my eyes at him, he knows damn well why I couldn't go.

"Stiles you know damn well why I couldn't come." I said to him making him laugh some.

"So what if he made you stay after and clean the locker room." He said naming me narrow my eyes at him.

"For a month! and you told him it was me because you were scared so not again!" I yelled making him laugh it off. Seeing the twins walk over to Scott, stiles grabbed my arm pulling me closer.

"Ah that's kind of a change for you guys since your mostly hurting or killing." Stiles said walking up hearing them say they want to talk. Laughing they looked at me making me smile waving.

"We need a pack." Ethan said making Scott look taken back and my eyes go big.

"We need a alpha." Aiden added making me nod knowing why they wanted a pack.

"Yeah absolutely not, that's hilarious though." Stiles said making Ethan roll his eyes and Aiden look pissed.

"You came to us for help and we helped you. Can't you do the same?" he said trying to keep his cool making me laugh slightly.

"You beat his face to a bloody pulp." I said making them look at me and roll their eyes. Well it's true.

"Why should I say yes?" Scott said going back and forth on his heels.

"We'd add strength." Ethan said making me look around awkwardly.

"We'd make you more powerful." Aiden added making me look at Scott seeing him thinking.

"Theirs no reason to say no." Ethan added on making stiles make the funniest face ever. Covering my hand over my mouth I felt arms wrap around my waist.

"I can think of one, like the two of you holding Deraks claws while kali impaled Boyd. In fact I don't know why we're not impaling them right now." Issac said making everyone look at him and I rubbed his hand soothingly feeling his grip tighten on me. Looking at the twins Ethan lowered his head growling slightly.

"Want to try?" he said looking up at Issac with his teeth and eyes out making me nervous. Issac let go of me walking around to go over to him but Scott grabbed him looking at him sternly making him back down and walk back to me.

"I'm sorry but they don't trust you. And I don't ether." Scott said looking at us all making me look at the ground avoiding Aiden's harsh glare. It's kinda cool being in Scott's pack even though I'm a human. Well he actually has more humans then werwolf's in his pack but it's all good. Scott walked past him seeing Lydia and Lydia waiting for us at the front of the school. Going past them Aiden grabbed my arm making me stop looking at him. He went to say something when Issac pushed his chest making him let go. Walking away I looked back seeing the two look really frustrated.

Walking to Lydia and Alison Scott's arms wrapped around her waist as Lydia stood between me and stiles. Walking in the school toilet paper was being thrown everywhere on hitting stiles in the face.

"That was my face!" he yelled making me laugh, looking up Issacs hand was infront of my face holding a roll that must've been coming at me face. Throwing it at someone I laughed slightly.

"Thanks babe." I said making him smirk and me look to stiles.

"Good decision bro." He said patting Scott's back making Issac nod and Lydia look at me awkwardly. Her and Aiden haven't really talked much sincere eclipse.

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