Chapter 6~ Benjamin Lasnier

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A girl with the prettiest brown eyes was the first thing I saw when I opened the door. She was wearing a flower print dress with a denim sleeve-cut jacket, a white beanie, white flats, and some jewelry. She was overly breathtaking. Her black hair flowed through her shoulders. Her dark brown eyes sparkled. And her smile made her look more beautiful.

"Hi." She said in a soft voice.

"Hi." I said back to her. I removed my eyes off her and looked at the family. "Please, come in." I said, making me go to the side to let them in. "My mom is in the kitchen. You guys might want to sit down for a minute." I said. They all nodded their heads and sat down on the couch. I made my way to the kitchen to tell my mom that the neighbors are here.

"They're in the living room." I whispered to my mom.

"Oh, okay." My mom went to the living room with me and sat next to them. "Hello, it's nice to meet you." My mom said, shaking hands with the mom and dad. "This is Benjamin, my oldest son. I have two more young one upstairs." She smiled.

"I'm Jasmine." The girl said. "That's my mom, Mary. That's my dad, Joe. And this is my brother, Jayval." She smiled. "My parents are a little too shy."

"Oh, don't worry. There's nothing to be shy about!" My mom said. "You and my son could be great friends." Mom said.

"I hope so." Jasmine smiled at me. "It's really nice to meet you Benjamin."

"You, too." I smiled back.

"And your son could be good friends with my young one!" Mom exclaimed to Jasmine's parents. "It's good that they are the same age."

"Yeah. Jasmine was worried that no one like her when she goes here to Denmark." Jasmine's mom said. "There was really nothing to worry about."

"Yes, everything is gonna be fine." Mom assured her. "Let's have dinner!"


As we were eating dinner, my mom and Jasmine's parents kept on talking. Even my brother and sister were talking to Jayval. Jasmine and I also talked.

"So do you like music?" Jasmine asked.

"Yeah. Like Justin Bieber, One Direction, every great artists. Do you like music?" I asked.

"I love music. Like what you said, I like Jutin Bieber, One Direction, Demi Lovato, and great artists." Jasmine said. "Do you play any instruments?"

"I play the guitar. How about you?"

"I pay the piano, the flute, the drums, the violin, viola, cello, and a little bit of guitar, bass, and electric." She grinned proudly. "I haven't finished studying the guitar."

"Wow, you know how to play all that?" I asked in surprise.

"Yeah." She smiled. "That's why I love music."

"So you must really want to be a singer one day." I said.

"Yeah, I've been wanting to audition for the X Factor since I was young." She said.

"I should hear you sing sometimes." I said. "I bet your very good." I said.

"Thanks." Jasmine smiled. "We are really gonna be good friends." She giggled.

"How would you know?"

"I know so." She said. And that was when I knew she was right.

Something about her is so inviting. When she laughs, you can laugh with her. If she smiles, you'll also smile. When she talks, you won't stop talking to her. Everything she talks about are very interesting. There wasn't any awkward conversations.

When she said that we're gonna be good friends, I bet we really are gonna be good friends. Best friends maybe. We have so much in common, like music. It was really good to talk to someone who understands you. And it must be cool to have another girl best friend. I have one but we're kind of different yet the same.

I just hope that my frineds will accpet her. She is from America. I mean, just because she is American doesn't mean that they have to judge her.

Jasmine is a really good person. She is a kind person. A little girly, yet nice. She must have this big dream inside that she doesn't want to say out loud. She really loves music. Like me, she wants to be a singer. We both have the same dreams.

For some reason, I want to know her better. I want to know her dreams, what she likes, everything. I am really starting to like her. I mean like, wanting to be friends with her. I mean, I just met her, It doesn't mean I like her already.


Jasmine's Outfit is in the external link if you want to see.

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