Chapter 8~ Benjamin Lasnier

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Jasmine must have been special because when I came into the store to buy Jasmine a gift, I suddenly bought her a necklace. I don't know, but this necklace was calling me as if it's the perfect gift for Jasmine.

"Mom, how about this for my gift to Jasmine?" I asked when I was holding the necklace.

"Oh, that's beautiful." She said. I smiled as I know she knows what a girl likes. "She'll love that!"

"That's pretty!" My sister added.

Mom bought the necklace and put it on a small rectangular box. She also bought a card for her to add from the gift. Mom gave it to me and expected that I'm going to bring it tomorrow. She said that I thought of the gift so I'm giving it to her.

Before I went to bed, I looked inside the box and look at the necklace. I smiled as I knew it could be the perfect gift for her.

Jasmine never left my mind since we first met. I don't really know but she feels so special. Is that a weird thing? I don't know. But she really does look like a special girl. She's so cheery, so smiley, so happy as if she's the happiest girl in the world.

She's also beautiful. I mean, her dark brown eyes never leaves my mind. How she smiles lights up the whole room. Her cheeks has a subtle pink even if she doesn't use blush. It makes her cuter. She keeps me up awake at night. It just feels so good inside everytime I think about her.

I fiddled with the necklace for a little while. I try to imagine her wearing that necklace. I don't know but I always think about her. I want this necklace to be special to her. I don't know why but this necklace feels special to me and I want her to feel the same thing that I feel.

Since the time Jasmine came here, we always spend time with each other. Mostly because both of our parents are friends. We do try to know each other a little better. Like I know that she loves music as much as me. She knows how to play instruments. She is a great singer, too.

One day, I went to Jasmine's house and went to her music room. I was surprised of how many instruments were in the room. It looked like a recording studio to me. She played some songs with her instruments.

"So you play the guitar too?" I asked as I took the guitar.

"Just a little." She answered. "I was learning how to but then I have to leave so my mom's going to give me guitar classes. Then I'll know how to play the guitar, electric guitar, and the bass." She said.

"You did say you can sing right?" I asked. She nodded her head slowly. "Can you sing a song right now?" I pleaded.

"You want me to sing right now?" Jasmine asked. I nodded. "What song?"

"Any." I said.

"Sure." She said. "I did want to record a song." She smiled. She set up all her equipments.

Jasmine started to record the melody. She then stood next to the mic and puts on her beats headphones. The song started to play, and she started to sing. I don't really know what the song is, but she sang it really well.

Sparks fly. It's like electricity
I might die when I forget how to breathe
You got closer and there's nowhere in this world I'd rather be.

While Jasmine's was singing, I noticed how she really feels the song. It's not like regular singers that just sings the song out, Jasmine sings as if she is letting her soul out. She just doesn't sing it, she feels it.

'Cause when I'm kissing you my senses come alive
Almost like a puzzle piece I've been trying to find
Falls right into place, you're all that it talkes
My doubts fade away when I'm kissing you

When I'm kissing you it all starts making sense
And all the questions I've been asking in my head
Like are you the one? Should I really trust?
Crystal clear it becomes when I'm kissing you.

I listened to Jasmine sing. Her voice really did sound beautiful. It was really beautiful. She looks beautiful, she sings beautifuly, she's a total package. I smiled as she looked at me. Well, I was actually smiling and staring at her the whole time.

"What song was that?" I asked. "I'm not that familiar with it." I said honestly.

"Kissing U by Miranda Crosgrove." She answered.

"Not bad." I said when she finished.

"Not bad?" She said. "Like you're better than me." She smirked.

"Are you saying you're better than me?" I said, getting closer to her. I raise an eyebrow at her. She did the same and added a smirk.

"Let's see." She challenged.

I recorded the melody of the guitar and the piano. Jasmine was looking at me intently, waiting at what song I'm going to sing. I then stood next to the mic and put on Jasmine's headphones in. I started to sing when the melody came.

Oh, her eyes, her eyes make the stars look like they're not shining.
Her hair, her hair falls perfectly without her trying.
She's so beautiful, I could tell her everyday.

I looked at Jasmine as I sang. I was looking at her carefully. I could see her smiling. I don't know but that smile looked really beauitful at her. I picked this song because I remembered her saying that she wasn't beautiful. I wanted her to know that she is beautiful just the way she is.

When I see your face,
There's not a thing that I would change
'Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are.

And when you smile
My whole world stops and stares for a while
'Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are

This song really relates to Jasmine. She's beautiful. And I really meant the lyrics. When she smiles, she does make my whole world stop. Her eyes shines. Her hair, everything. I would want to tell her that she is beautiful everyday.

"That was a nice song." Jasmine smiled. "But you've got to admit, I'm better than you." She said. I chuckled at how much confidence she has on herself.

"Fine. You're better than me." We both laughed. The laughter died and the room went silent. We both were staring at each other. Her eyes were truly beautiful I couldn't stop staring.

Jasmine looked away and I swallowed. "Umm, so I was working on my song." Jasmine started.

"You write songs?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah." She smiled.

"You really want to be a singer huh?" I asked.

"Not just a singer." She said, shaking her head. "I want to be an international popstar. To be an actor. I have lots of dreams." She said thoughtfully.

"So you think you can dance?" I asked.

"Okay, is that another challenged?" She snickered. "It's not like you are a good dancer." She raised an eyebrow.

"Let's see." Jasmine turned on the radio really loud and we both danced all day. We kept on laughing and dancing and singing off-key. It's always fun to be with Jasmine. You can never get bored with her. She's really special.

This is what I like about Jasmine. How she always smiles, how she's so confident and stuff, how she acts so silly in a cute way. Everything about her is so perfect I can't believe she doesn't realize that.

Girls should realize how perfect they are inside and out. They are beautiful in every single way. And Jasmine should know that. She's beautiful in every single way.

Skinny Love {Benjamin Lasnier}Where stories live. Discover now