Chapter 13~ Jasmine Carter

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"He looked so innocent. It's like he doesn't know he kissed me!" I said, having a talk with Jane. I was angry when Benjamin came over a while ago, acting the same. He didn't say anything nor did he mention about the kiss. I was circling the glass of water I took from the kitchen before I had a video chat with Jane. It was late at night, nearly midnight but that was the only time I can talk to Jane.

"Ooh, that's harsh." Jane said. "But tell me, did you enjoy it?" Jane asked, raising an eyebrow and using a quirky tone. I was silent for a moment and thought about the kiss. I touched my lips, feeling the lingering kiss Benjamin gave me.

A smile played on my lips, making Jane a silent squeal. "That's so cute!" She squealed again. "I don't like you! How come you had your first kiss before me?" She joked. "It must felt magical." She said, laying her chin on her palm.

"Like everything in your body felt electricity." I said. "It felt like everything around you stopped and your the only two people in the world. It wasn't the perfect place, but it felt like it was the perfect moment. Everything inside you got soft and you can't hear anything but your own heartbeat." I explained. I knew Jane was listening attentively and is waiting for what I was going to say.

"I never would have thought that that would be what you'll feel like when you have your first kiss." I smiled. I looked at Jane. "Don't you ever had that feeling where you can only feel his and your heartbeat?"

"You," Jane started. "are in love." She smiled playfully. She sighed. "I wish I had your life, Jasmine." She said, twirling he hair.

"Shut up." I said, giving her an annoyed look.

"Your life is perfect! I mean, you have a nice family, you get to go to Europe, and you kissed one of the cutest guys! Every fan would be jealous of you!" Jane said. "I mean, Benjamin Lasnier? Having his first kiss?"

"That was his first kiss?" I asked, trying to hide the smile on my face.

"Yes!" Jane exclaimed. "You are one lucky girl."

"Whatever." I said. "It's pretty late, I have to go. Night, Jane!" I waved at her.

"Night! Sweet dreams of your future boyfriend!" She smiled. I rolled my eyes and ended the Skype call.

I sighed and laid down on my bed. Me? Having a boyfriend? With one of the famous internet guys? I snorted at the idea. Now way would Benjamin ask me as his girlfriend.

I still smiled at the idea of my and Benjamin being a couple. Holding hands, endless whispers, staring into the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. Like every fan's dream.

I frowned when I forgot that Benjamin was still acting innocent. Never had he talked about the kiss nor his feelings for me.

But did he really have feelings for me?

I rolled to the side of my bed and tried to ponder on that question. He didn't have to kiss me, but he still did. He wasn't forced, he just did it. I wasn't even pleading. All I did was try to communicate my feelings for him, that's it. Nothing else.

"He does have feelings for me." I said to myself.

The next day, after a sleepless night, Benjamin came over to my house again. Since in two days, high school is starting.

"This one or this one?" I asked, holding up two dresses and showing it to Benjamin. On my right was a white yellow-flower print sleeveless dress with a pink cardigan. On my left was a baby blue dress with a white cardigan. Benjamin, who was on my bed, just shrugged.

"Whatever you want to use." He said. I looked at Benjamin weirdly. He usually compliments me about whatever I wear. I put down the dresses and sat down next to him. Exactly next to Benjamin where I am touching his hand. He looked nervous when I sat really close to him. I chewed my inside lip, hiding my smirk from what happened.

"Are you okay?" I asked him. Benjamin was hiding his eyes.

"Yeah, I'm okay." He tried to scoot away from me, but I scooted closer to him.

"So you won't care if I were either outfits?" I asked, tilting my head.

"Nope." I raised my brow. Something really is wrong.

"What if I put loads of make up with complete eyeshadow, lip stick, and other make up? Would you think I'm still pretty?" I asked him.

"Yeah, sure." He said.

"No, it won't!" I said, throwing my hands in the air. "It'll make me look like a clown! Okay, something is really wrong with you." I said.

"Nothing is wrong with me." He said scooting farther away from me.

"Yes, there is." I stood up and looked at Benjamin in the eye. You always compliment me when I ask you of what I look like." I said. Benjamin just stared at me.

"Nothing is wrong with me." Benjamin defended himself. "I'm perfectly fine."

I looked at him disapprovingly. I already knew where this is leading to. "Okay, we kissed." I said. Benjamin's head snapped to my direction. "And-"

"I wasn't supposed to that, I know." Benjamin interrupted. "I'm sorry I did tha-"

"I wasn't kidding, Benjamin, when I said that I like you and I don't regret kissing you." I interrupted him again, looking at him in the eyes.

"I'm sorry." Benjamin mumbled. My eyebrows furrowed as I looked at him. I blinked twice and took two quick breaths.

"Really?" I said, blinking my eyes furiously. I gave him a lop sided smirk. I stood up and stomped to my music room, shutting the door. I directly went to the piano and started to make lyrics in my head.

"Stupid!" I said to myself, face- palming. "What was I thinking?" I said, laying my elbow on the piano as it hit random keys, making a very ugly sound.

A few minutes later, Benjamin came in to the room. "Jasmine." He said.

"I'm kind of busy." I answered him. I knew I was being rude, but I was really mad for myself since I had the wrong intentions.

"I'm sorry."

"Can you stop?" I snapped immediately, barely looking at him past my shoulder. "I don't want to hear it." I said again, going back to the piano. I felt Benjamin's presence a little to close behind me. I felt his hands on mine, and I quickly removed my hand. "I suggest you should go." I told him.


"Before I get hurt." I answered him. I really was hurting right now. Why would I ever think that Benjamin would like a girl like me. Silence filled the room. Benjamin was still near me. I closed my eyes, wishing silently that Benjamin could leave before he hurt me more. I felt a tear dropped.

"Who am I kidding?" I asked myself. I opened my eyes and looked at Benjamin, who was standing next to me. "How would you like me as much as I like you?"

Benjamin just stared at me as if he can't understand the words I just said. "Do you really like me?" Benjamin asked me. I looked at him as if he asked the stupidest question to me. I stood up and walked to the centre of the room, not wanting to look at him.

"Do I like you?" I repeated. I turned around and looked at him with an angry expression. "Are you kidding me? You have no idea. I liked you since the beginning. The day I stepped on your door. The day when my eyes met yours. I liked you even more when we had that moment on the swimming pool and at the fountain during my birthday. I thought you were perfect." I said honestly. "But then I saw the real you and I liked you even more."

I felt tears going down my cheeks like a waterfall. "The day when you finally kissed me was the day where I thought I found him." I said. I chuckled. "But I immediately was hurt when you left. My heart crushed more when you acted like it never happened." I said, closing my eyes. "Young love, making you do stupid things and giving you wrong intentions." I took a deep breath and made my hands cover my face and started to sob. I bit my lip as I felt it quiver.


"I know, okay?" I interrupted him again, looking at him. "I know you don't like me. I was foolish to think that you'll actually like me-"

I felt a pair of lips on mine as a pair if hands were cupping my face, interrupting me. I stared at him wide-eyed. But a few seconds later, I closed my eyes and kissed him back. His other hand was transferred to my waist as his other hand stayed in its place. I put my other arm around his neck and my hand on his hand, which was on my face.

I enjoyed the moment while it lasted. Grinning in between kisses. I felt the corner of his lip curve and I knew he was smiling, enjoying the moment as much as I do.

Right then, I knew Benjamin's feelings for me. I knew he liked me as much as I liked him, and I want it to stay that way. I didn't know what will happen next, but we didn't care. We stayed and enjoyed this moment.

But one thing is for sure; I like him and he likes me.

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