Chapter 8~ Jasmine Carter

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"Hey, have you heard?" Arianna asked, plopping down to the seat next to me during class.

"What?" I asked, looking up from my notebook. Benjamin also turned his attention to Arianna. Arianna never talked about gossip, so this is a surprising thing to know.

"There's a new student." She said. "I heard that he was really cute."

I scoffed. "Cute?"

"Okay, he's hot." Arianna clarified. "But that's what they said, not me."

I sat straighter and looked at Arianna again. "What do you mean he's hot and cute?" I asked.

"They said that he's like Benjamin cute and hot." Arianna pointed to Benjamin. I blinked and started to write on my notebook again, trying to remove the fact that people are thinking that Benjamin is cute and hot.

"Class," Ms. Bailey alerted the class. "this is Dylan, a new classmate. Please make him feel welcome in our school and never tolerate him."

We all stared at the new boy in our class. I could feel all the girl's eyes staring at him, well, because he is cute and hot. He has brunette hair and brown eyes. He had a one dimple (just like me) when he moves his mouth. I now knew why the girls thought he was cute and hot, it was because of the dimple and, especially, his muscular arms that makes girls' eyes widen. I had to blink twice to stop myself from skimming on his body. When he saw me, I smiled politely, making him feel welcome.

"You can sit anywhere, Dylan." Ms. Bailey motioned him. Dylan then sat behind me, Benjamin, and Arianna. I turned around and gave him another smile, which he smiled back.

"Now everybody take out their notebooks and we are going to watch a documentary about space." Ms. Bailey said in a stern tone.


"Did you see the new boy?" Sadie exclaimed as her and Patricia approached the table. It was lunch time and we sat at our usual table.

"He's really cute!" Patricia agreed with Sadie. I chuckled in response. Knowing Patricia and Sadie, they have to do something for boys to like them.

"He's not even handsome!" Tobias defended, a little annoyed at Patricia's and Sadie's squeals.

"Actually," Arianna had a shy smile on. "he's kinda, sort of cute." She blushed. Tobias eyes widen, as if he was gonna panic that his girl is liking another guy.

"Pff!" Tobias swatted his hand. "He does not!" He crossed his arms. Arianna giggled and kissed him on the cheek, Tobias's features softening.

"You're cuter than him." Arianna added. Tobias blushed and smiled shyly, making all of us burst into Tobias's embarrassment.

"The new guy isn't cute." Oliver argued with Patricia and Sadie. They both scoffed and rolled their eyes on Oliver.

"Come on! He's totally cute!' Sadie defended.

"And hot." Patricia added. It was Oliver's turn to roll his eyes. He then snapped his eyes on me.

"How 'bout we ask Jasmine." He suggested.

"What? How did I get into the conversation?" I asked.

"You're the only girl here who doesn't squeal when there's a new guy." Oliver stated. It was true. I never really bothered to think if a guy is cute (or hot), unless I have a chance to actually look at them. I'm also a hard picker so if I say a guy is cute, a guy is cute. He then rested his foot on the bench and propped is elbow on his knee, leaning forward across the table to he me loud and clear. He squinted his eyes on me. "Do you think the new guy is cute?"

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