part 5. this school is full of dangers!!

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I hold the feather in the air with the leviosa spell when the teacher was still speaking.

As others started Hermione got it up really quick. But then I saw my chance and did a little fire bomb without my wand towards Harry's feather, but I missed. The feather of the boy next to Harry exploded.

I holded back my laugh at the moment. I think that someone saw what I did because professor wanted me to stay after the class.

" so...Ms.Avis, I saw what you did at the class. I saw you used fire magick without a wand. I am pleased to see how good you are in so young age. But don't use your power like that anymore!"

I was surprised that he was the one who noticed, I thought that he would be one of those teachers that didn't pay attention. I then gave him a smile and a nod.

I then left to my favorite! There would be no potter or weasly or Draco or Alex or any of the boys I didn't want to see at the moment.

As I opened the classrooms door I saw that I was the first one. I then looked around to see that there was no one else in the room, just in case.

I then stardet to open up my voice. With a little song but when I stopped I could hear clapping. I looked at the door the whole one came in.

I then turned around to see that the professor came from the back door. I was little embarrassed.

" well done Ms.Avis. is there any change you would like to sing today at the Halloween party?" He asked.

I was shocked. Ofcourse I wanted to, but I was a first year student. " ou what am I even asking. With that kind of voice ofcourse you do!" As he said that my mouth dropped open.

At the same second he gave me hundreds of songs that I could chose from."But professor...the party is after 5 hours. There is no time for me to learn a new song!" I said but he told me to pick some song that I alredy knew.

The other students then came in and we stardet the lesson with some easy and quick voice opening.

*after class *

I got premission to practice in the room before the party. I chose really know song "This is Halloween" because almost everypody knew it. And it was wery easy for me.

"Boys and girls of every age wouldn't you like to something strange. come with us and you will see..." I stardet to sing the song over and over again, so that I wouldn't mess it up.

After the practice I went to my room to feed Levi and brush my hair. For the event. But...I was still little bit scared of how it would turn out.

I then left my room and went to the common room. I then sit down to read the newspaper. I then felt a hand on my shoulder. As I looked to watch who it was I could see pair of lips coming towards me.

I quickly pulled back and slammet his cheek as hard as I could. The person fell down to the ground. I then looked over to see who it was "...ALEX!?!?!? WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!"

As I screamed everyone was staring at us. Inclueding Draco that just came in. Alex then stardet to stand up again. "I am not some cheap bitch you can kiss when you want. I think I really should not be friends with you..." as I stopped I looked at Malfoy "I really should have lisened you." I continued.

I then kicked Alex to the ground and fixed my ropes position and left the room. I then went to the Great Hall. It was beautiful. A thunder sky, flying pumpkins and all the colors.

But I will never forgive to Alex what he almost did. He almost kissed me! I will get my revenge.

As I went to sit to my place my teacher came to ask was I ready and I nod my head. I then went foward but first our whole class sang one song in group.

After our song ended everybody was there eating. I then went to eat a little. But then Malfoy spoke up.

Draco " what was that scene about in the common room? "

Y / n " He was trying to force himself on me"

It then went quiet, and before he could respond the teacher took me to the front. Okay now I was scared.

"Ms.Avis promised me to sing here tonight a song that would fit to the theme, but lets just say that she has amazing voice " he said as I made the spell with my wand so that they could hear me under the music.

The music then began and I waited for the part that I would start singing. As the time came I stardet put I only got one word out from my mouth as the door opened and Quirrell came in running and screaming about a mountain troll.

It all went quiet and then everypody went to panick. Well... I was little scared but I was safe here. All the teachers were here.

I then went to my table and we were leaded to the slytherin house. Well, everypody else except me.

I saw where Harry and others were going and I tryed to go after them but then Snape took hold of my hand.

Snape " and were might you be going?"

Y / n " I saw two boys running down to the dungeon. So I thought I should go get them back."

Snape " We will, now go back to your groupoup"

He then left and I turned around and runned to others.they didn't see that I came back, well they didn't even know that I left.

As we were safely at the common room. Some of the students went staight to their rooms but some of us stayed in the common room. Inglueding me.

I then went to sit next to the fireplace. Some girls were also sitting there, but they were shaking from fear.

" you three, go to sleep. You can be alone there. The troll won't get in here and when you open your eyes you know it's not here in Hogwarts anymore" I said with a gentel voice.

They looked at me. First they were suprised and shocked, but then they all gave me a big smiles and they went upstares.

" maeby you are the one who wants to hear those words." I heard from behinde me. It was Malfoy. "How so?" I asked as he walked to sit next to me.

Draco "Well even if you have your pokerface because of the manners and the tough girl thing that you are pulling out from yourself, your still a girl"

Y / n " Even girls can be brave you know, and if I remember right, you were screaming in the Grate hall just like those slytherin girls"

Draco " ouch (y/n) that hurt"

Y / n " did you just..."

Draco " what?"

Y / n " did you just use my first name insted of my last name?"

He then blushed a little but I don't know can you even call that a blusshing.

Draco " Is there something wrong about that? I mean, we are partners in the schools work. I think we should get to know each others better"

Y / n " I think about it"

I said as I stood up and went to my room.

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