14. fake?

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I was still really scared of what happend when I woke up in flames. I was afraid to go to sleep. The nurses looked out for me 24/7

They always had eyes on me and if I wasn't a sleep in the time that I was suppost to be, they put me asleep.

Sometimes I did trick them and I was up the whole night. I have been here 4 days now. No one came to look how I was. No one...only Harry.

Everyone went to look Harry. But at the forth day Neville came.

Neville. " how are you feeling (y/n)? I'm sorry I didn't come to see you earlier but the teacher said that you were not ready to get visitors."

He said as he sit down next to my bed. So that was the reason nobody came to look me.

Y / n " It's okay, it wasn't your fault after all"

He told me what was going on in Hogwarts. And it looked like there has been rumors about me.

Y / n " you can't be serious...they think I'm cursed? "

I wanted to laugh to this but it seemed like it was really serious.

Neville "(y/n)..."

He looked really sad for me. I then lifted myself to sit on the bed. He stood up really fast and tryed to help me up.

I just shook my head and told him to sit down. My vision was really blur because of the lack of sleep.

" Ms.Avis as I can see your friend has come to see you and your test results are looking good. If you want you can leave as soon as you feel like it."

After the nurse said that I jumbet out of the bed. I realized I had the same clothes on for the last 4 days.

I was wearing a white shirt that was open from the top. I also had the skirt on and the knee long sucks.

I quickly buttoned the top part of my shirt and put my rope on. I wanted to get out of here as soon as possible.

I don't want to be remembered as a girl who skipped the end of the year by being "sick" in the hospital wing, even when there was nothing wrong with me.

As I was storming out from the door Neville thanked the nurse and came after me.

Neville " wait...Avis! Why are you running?"

I stopped in couple feets away from him.

Y / n " If it is true that there is that bad rumors about me, that even you can't smile. It means that there is something serious going on. "

I then continued my running, leaving Neville to the hall. After a couple turns I runned in to someone.

like.....how many times does that make?

This time I didn't fall down. I almost did but the person took my hand and got me up before falling down. At the moment I felt his hands around me.

They were familier but...from were. As I lifted myself up and looked at the person I realized it was Draco. His hands were around me and it didn't feel right.

We were jut looking each others in silence when I opened my mouth "how long are you going to hold me?" As I said that with a little bitchi voice he just looked deep in to my eyes.

" I let go right away...when your body stops shivering " as he said that I realized my whole body was shivering. "Shut up! I'm not shivering! " I yelled and broke free from his touch.

What is wrong with my body? It was fine like 5 minutes ago. As Draco looked at me, he seemed sad.

I just went past him but he crabbet my hand. I just took it away and looked him again "seriously Draco, what's wrong with you? "

I tryed to leave again but I stopped when he screamed after me "your really asking that from me? Your the one that is shivering from the pure horror and is acting like nothing happend "

I then turned around to look at him "that is because nothing happend! " after that he stardet to shout to me but I didn't listen at all.

I just turned around and walked away. How am I suppost to know what is going on when the only things I remember are so fussy.

The thing that I want to know is the potion that Quirrell gave me and the one from the needel that someone put in to me.

Because the nurse said that they didn't want to make my body take more damage so they didn't put anything in me.

Put that only confirmed that it was someone else. So I have to also find out who it was.

As I walked to my room there was no one else in the room. I just took my towel and went to take a shower. It looked that someone has taken Levi.

I wouldn't be suprised if it was a teacher or some of my roomates.

The shower water felt good as it took all the dirt from my body and it fell to the ground.

As I came back to my bed to change clothes the girls were back. They were all excidet about the last days of school. They were talking what they would do when the school was over.

Then I realized that I wouldn't be doing anything. I would just go to the train. And from there to my moms house. And after that we would go to the ministery of magick again and again.

My mother didn't want to take me away from my father but she didn't want that father would have any contacts to me without knowing.

All this happend so quick. I thought that I would get to be a child as long as I wanted...that wouldn't be long but...I can say that I'm not old enough to see and do all this emotional crab by myself!

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