part. 50 Quidditch team

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It has been moths since I came back from Hogwards. We been having really good time with Draco, but at the moment he is on a family vacation.

And the woman who is looking over me isn't well.... the worst. She comes at morning to see how I do. She stays for couple hours and then leaves. And then she will come at middle of the day and then before I go to sleep.

And I just have to tell him when I leave the house and when I come back. It is pretty simple.

At first when I was getting use to it, it was hard. But now...after couple has been pretty normal actualy. You could be lot worse

She has told me many times that as long as I listen and do everything by the rules everything will go well.

I have visited at Hermione's house and Ron's. Ofcourse I have also visited at Neville's house too. But Harry...I don't know should I.

Because if it is true what his guardians are like...I can't promise that I wouldn't Snap while being there.

I am alone before the school starts again because Hermione is on vacation too and so is Neville. And I just visited at Ron's place.

Well then...I could just practice how to use my powers and how to control them because seemingly, if I become scared or angry my hands will start to heat up.

And when I feel like I been pushed in to the corner I use my voice, I need to learn how to use them right.

~ time skip ~

We were on our way to the Quidditch tournament. Me, Lucius and Draco. As we were walking to our seats Lucius stardet to speak.

Lucius " well, lets put it this way, if it will be the first to know"

Draco " the three of us are in the minister's personal invetation of Cornelius Fudge himself "

Lucius " Don't boast Draco there's no need with tease people"

As Harry and his group tryed to leave Lucius took hold of Harry's hand.

Lucius " Do enjoy yourself won't you, while you can. "

He then let go and the three of us continued to our seats. I have to say that I would lie if I would say that Krum wouldn't be hot.

But for now, let us just watch the game.

~ time skip ~

As the game ended I wanted to go and see the twins. Because last time I visited them. They weren't home at the moment.

As I found their tent and went inside, the twins hugged me and all three of us stardet to dance.

It wasn't long that Mr.Weasly came back in and ruined the fun. He told us to run out.


was the only thing I heard. The weaslys and the trio runned but I looked at the deatheaters and desidet to go to them.

Almost everyone was already gone from the field when I was infront of them. For some reason two of them stopped and others continued their walk.

Y / n " Why...why did some of you take me as a baby!?"

They just looked at me and stayed quiet. I took steps towards them and they took couple back...were they afraid of me?

Y / n " I want answers! "

I made my hands go on fire and then they tryed to escape. I shooted the one of them with the fire. As he fell to the ground, I tryed to remove it's mask.
But before I could do so, the other one hit me so that I past out.

After I woke up it was night and I couldn't see or hear anyone. But then someone yelled.


As I looked at the man who yelled. He made sounds like a snake and he played with his tounge like one too.

As he desapeared I stood up and tryed to find someone and I did. I found the trio. But as fast as I found them someone tryed to spell us.

Mr.Weasly "STOP! Thats my son!"

Guardian" STOP! That girl is under my protection!"

As soon as those two ministres told them to stop, they stopped

Minister "who did it! You four! Who  did it!?"

Y / n " If you talk about that thing in sky then it was a man!"

Guardian " What do you mean Ms.Avis? "

Minister "Avis?! "

Y / n " Yes! I am Avis, the only one thats left and I saw a man who played with his sound and tounge like a snake to...shout something like...mors...morde? Or something like that"

Harry " I saw him too, he went that way when he heard us!"

Minister "All of you, this way!"

Mr.Weasly & guardian "what man (y/n)...harry?"

Y / n " If I would see him I would know who."

Harry " I don't know...I didn't see his face."

Guardian "Now Ms.Avis. I think that it is our time to leave. It is not save for you here"

Y / n " I know, well then...I see you 3 in school. Let us go"

I took the hand of my Guardian and and she teleported us to my house.

Guardian " I will stay couple hours more than usual because of what happend today. Is that okay with you?"

Y / n " yea yea....all good."

I then went to my room and jumbet on my bed. I went under the blanked and rested my head down to the soft pillow.

If Draco would find out about this, he would be furrios...

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