part. 94 "forgive, forget"

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It was gonna happen tonight. The finale scene of this horrific nightmare episode.

I wasn't with Draco since he left right after I fell asleep in his arms, or so I was told by bellatrix. I was brought to the Hogwarts late evening and I wasn't able to take a breath when we were already talking about Potter.

How he was spotted earlier on this gray, lifeless afternoon... I wasn't that surprised. Obviously he would come here where all the danger took place every year. This year wasn't an exception.

"who fails to come forward... Will be treated.... As.... Equally guilty."

Snape's change in tone woke me up from my half ass slumber. I got to admit... This place was not the same school anymore. The warm atmosphere, the reddish brown tables, all the luxurious foods and us one school.

Hell yeah we were competing and some of us hated each other's more than sworn enemy would hate another. But it didn't make this situation any better.

"... has any knowledge Mr potters movements this evening... I invite them to step Forward... Now!"

Everyone's head were towards the ground. No-one dared to say a word or even move a muscle. Speaking of the devil

Harry stormed himself out of the group and stood there in front of Snape. Everyone's eyes were glued on him, like a magnet forcing them to stare at him.

Before long the door opened and dozens of his friends showed up through the door behind us. This was NOT part of the plan... I am not secured in here now that all these people are in here.

I snapped out of it ones more as I was pushed to the ground by other slytherins. I saw the duel starting and I was mesmerized by it. But I had no time to stay and watch.

For the first time in long time, I needed to improvise and come up with a plan, so that I wouldn't be executed on the spot. Hermione and Ron obviously had no trust in me after all that had happened... But Harry... He had loved me but that is far in the past. Could I use that? I don't know, but time to find out.


Lord...? Scream? Why do you want me to scream... I was unsure of the orders but did as told. I started to scream my lungs out and the people around me were shook and some fell to the ground with me.

Even Harry came to look at me. His eyes gleam in the dark as the moon shined through the dusty windows. He was so surprised that I didn't know what to make of his puzzled expression since he heard another scream coming from the other side of the room.

Before long I was able to tell that everyone was now hearing Voldemort's voice. Not wisely played lord... I must question your decision on this...

I took my leave as everyone were still fighting the voices inside their heads. I don't know what will go down in there, but I am not gonna wait to find that out. My guest was simple. Clear the way.

I wasn't entirely sure where to clear the path since I was not informed about the plan all together. I only knew pits and pieces.

I was standing outside the Castel claiming my thoughts on where to go and how to act. If you are gonna just throw me here like a sheep to the wolf's, I might as well act like one then!

I screamed to myself and took couple running steps but I froze to my place as I could feel a strong wave of energy approaching from the sky, I looked above and could see hundreds of lights... Like falling stars ready to take their final journey before exploding to pieces.

The whole barrier started to look like a light show but I knew I needed to do what I was brought here to do. I started running towards the wooden bridge. I may not know where all of the forces come from, but I sure as hell know where my new mates are at.

I ran and ran at my top speed, no... Faster than that. I ran faster than I have ever ran before. I knew I needed to be faster, a lot faster. The battle has already begun.

I could see that the quidditch field was on fire. Burning like a torch in the night. Like it was waiting to die out. As I made it to the bridge I could see Neville. Why of all people you have to be here... Not you... You have done nothing wrong...

I could already hear the yells and the loud thunder like footsteps coming this way.

Y/n "Neville you need to run back to the castle, Now!"

Neville looked at me confused and ready to turn down my order. I could now see the men running towards us

Y/n "NEVILLE! I have no time to argue! Harry said he needs you! Run back inside immediately!"

He looked at me in shock and was frozen in place I don't think I have never yelled at him... But he didn't know I was a bad guy... To him I was still the girl Tha he helped all those years ago.

I pushed him a little and he started to run towards the Castel but quickly turned around to face me "don't you dare to die on me!" he yelled and I couldn't do anything but smile at him.

I could now feel my breath being short from all the running That I did. I limbet my way to the edge of the barrier on this side. I looked at all the people in front of me.

" a little girl really? I'm gonna kill you and ra..." a random man started to speak ill of me as he was looking at me with a smirk and his eyebrows so narrowed that they were touching each others.

The man didn't have time to end his sentence as a familiar face hit the man so hard he fell to the ground.

" now now men... We don't speak like that about our own allies now do we? Especially when they are such fine lady~"

I turned my head to the man

Y/n"I could recognize that voice anywhere"

I stated as I crossed my hands in front of my chest and looked at the male bowing in front of me

Scabior "Miss me? I thought you have forgotten me. After all... It has been so long~"

I laugh at the man and rest my hands down. And smirk at him. He was surprised but as I put on my poker face again he was surprised but his smile just grew wider.

I could then see the barrier starting to fade and loose it's shape as if it was a thin piece of paper getting burned little by little.

They looked at the tiny piece of it slowly landing on top of Scabior's wand and from there to the ground. Then they were looked at me.

"you ready to Rambo or nah?" I said as I turned around and started to run onwards to the Castel.

This is gonna be a long night...

HI everyone!

As promised a chapter! My vacation just started so I am sure I can get you something to read for Christmas too.

I do want to state that this book has been one hell of a ride. It already has so many chapters and I am so happy to see how many of you are still reading this ♥️

I do have to inform you all that the end is getting near but for now there are still chapters coming right at you! So stay tuned and remember to vote and comment!

I love you all ❤️❤️

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