part 9. 24 october.

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"I don't want to spend my Christmas with Malfoy's! " I yelled to my parents. I have been saying this every hour since I came home. The day would be tommorrow....that they would come.

And because of my actions I didn't have any power or status in my own house before the Malfoy's would arrive.

If I asked the elfs to do something they wouldn't do it. I couldn't even leave the house!

" (y/n) enough! I don't see any reason why you hate them so much" my mother said as she was picking me a dress for tommorrow.

"I JUST....I don't hate them, I hate HIM!" I shouted and she looked at me

" Why on earth would you hate Mr.Malfoy? He is a wery handsome gentelman " she said and I facepalmed.

" No I don't hate him! I hate his child. Draco, Draco Malfoy! " then she dropped the dress in the ground and looked at me with wide eyes.

I just hit my legs towards the ground and she snapped out from it. She lifted the dress back to the table and looked at me.

Mother's/n" Just...try to get along with them. They are really lovely persons when you get to know them"

Y / n " I know your secret...I know you ones was daddy's bestfriend's lover...and I take it that father doesn't know it. But don't get me involved in..."

I didn't get to mother slapped my cheek....or at least tryed. Her hand stopped right beside my cheek.

Mother's /n " You do not speak to me or your father like that. I don't want to hurt my...only...child"

I then slapped her hand away and went to my room. I can't stand them! I have tryed to be a daughter that they want a daughter that they would be proude of...and what do I get return?


As I hit the door of my room shut I stardet to cry. I went to the bed and just drow the clothes all over the room and went to sleep.

* morning *

As I woke up I got up and just looked around the room. Elfs had change it decorations too christmas like.

There was lots of differet colored lights around the room and a same kind of ceiling like in Hogwarts. But it was snowing.

I was pretty. But the thing I wasn't happy about was that the dress my mother has chosen to me was ... well, I did like it but it wasn't a christmas dress.

I then got out of bed and went to sit to my desk that had a biiig mirror. I looked myself from it and stardet to do makeup.

I didn't always ware makeup but I like doing them. It was funny how your face would always look little bit different. I put a glitter lipstick so it would take my natural color.

I then put little winged eyeliner and little shadow to my upper lid. It wasn't that strong makeup but it did it's work.

I then stood up and picket up the dress. I looked at it ones more and put it on with little magick so that it wouldn't mess the makeup.

I then went infront of the wall mirror. It really was beautiful dress...but I still don't see how it was a christmas dress.

I brushed my hair and let it half open. The hair from my top head I put in back of my head so that it would fall down nicely. And the rest I put infront over my shoulders.

I then looked at the mirror ones more and put on modern black heels and left the room. I put on my pokerface because I heard there was someone in there.

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