part. 63 the last task part 2

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Voldemord "  That the deatheater who took care of you was your real father "

What...that can't be right...I...know...

Voldemord " or are you telling me that it is normal to have your own family to use you as a guinea pig?"

Y / n " that was..."

Voldemord " Your father was so furious that set the whole place on fire and was almost send to Azkaban and he is still looking over you"

Y / n " that doesn't make any sense!"

Voldemord " It will understand some day. But now...Our star quest! I almost forgot you were here, standing on the bones of my father. "

As he told us that love was the reason that he couldn't touch Harry before I remembert Draco. But as he touched Harry and both of them stardet to scream in pain I used my voice so he had to stop.

Voldemord " ( y / n ) dear...that really hurt you know?"

I just stayed quiet and looked at him with death in my eyes. He didn't take his eyes out of me.

Voldemord " right there...that face... those Eyes... Maybe you and Potter are not so different after all. you both have your mothers Eyes!"

(And NO Bellatrix is NOT your mother in this one....just letting you know )

But he then turned away from Harry and let him go and at the same time he let me go.

Voldemord " pick up your wand Potter! You've been taught how to duel, I presume...yes?"

I then looked at Harry who was just standing up with his wand. I also stood up and went back to Cedric.

Voldemord " first, we bow to each others. Come on now Harry. The niceties must be observed. Dumledore wouldn't want you to forget your manners now would he?"

Harry just looked at him with no movement and voldemord seemed mad because of that.

Voldemord " I SAID, BOW!"

I looked as he made Harry bow to him with his wand, without even saying a spell outloud

Voldemord " that's better. And now...Curcio!"

Y / n " NO!"

Voldemord " that's it boy...Harry...your parents would be proude especially your filthy muggle mother..."

Harry " EXPELLIAR...."

As I looked Voldemord dodge Harry's spell like a litle mosquito,  I was starting to think can Harry really win this...

Voldemord " I'm going to kill you Harry Potter. I'm going to destroy you. after Tonight No one will ever Again question my Powers. after Tonight if they speak of You, they will speak only of how you begged for death and how I was mercyful Lord....obliged"

He then made Harry to stand up ones again. And they stardet to fight for real this time. As their spells were neck to neck somekind of lights left voldemord's wand

Y / n " ce...CEDRIC! "

As the Cedric's ghost came next to me he looked at his body that I was holding in my arms and then at me

Cedric " Forget what you promised me last night. And don't come after me...please. I trust you to take my body to my father. And remember...don't come after me."

I just cryed my eyes out and nod my head to him and hugged his body. Then the ghosts attacked voldemord and Harry ran to me and Cedric's body

Harry " Accio!"

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