part. 20 nothing changed

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"Go back to Harry you just bring bad luck to whole slytherin house!"

That was the first thing I heard this morning. I was just sitting in the common room, and some students of my age stardet screaming that I was just like potter.

"Sorry but if I remember right, the sorting hat thinked long before putting you here...but I didn't need to even sit down. I think your closer the Gryffindors than I am. "

Now they looked mad. Not that I would care. They are both half bloods, they can't even touch me.

" ou...yea. I remember the last years ending. Harry wasn't going to let you go...I can just think how far he would have gone with that slut." wanna fight? be it. I got up from the chair that I was sitting on . And walked to the two boys

" Well at least Potter can say the different between slut and purity. You two on the other hand...I don't even think you know the differens in them."

Hit it right in the right spot! One of the boys tryed to hit my face but I dodge every last one of them with just moving my head. He then tryed to hit my stomach, so I landed hit on his stomach and he fell down.

His friend came behinde him and helped him up. The boy stardet to puke...maeby little too strong hit? The boys stardet quickly to walk away from the room.

" I do not expect such a behavior within my house miss.Avis." I turned around to see that Snape that saw the scene that took place.

Y / n " I am werry sorry professer. Snape. "

I walked closer to him with my head up. I wasn't a embarrassed of what happend. It was their fault to pick a fight with a stronger opponent that they could handle.

Snape " miss.Avis, would you like to get inside the Quidditch team? You could use those skills of yours in the game."

Y / n " hmm...sure. not that I would have anything better to do so why not? "

Snape " good. Do you have your own broom?"

Y / n " I left my new one home. But I can ask my father to mail it for me."

Snape " well then. In todays practice you can just watch. Just say that I have chosen you, then the fact that your a girl will disappear. "

I nod my head and stardet heading towards my first class of the second year. Not that it would be any fun because...aahh...I just don't like Herbology!

I was just walking through the halls, but I knew that everytime I went pass some students they were immediately whispering about me.

If this would be only slytherins doing it, I would understand but...why does everyone believe in so made up rumor? First of all, why would I be cursed? And what is the curse? What does it do to me? And who would have put it on to me?

Has anyone ever thought about that before actually believe that rumor? Seemingly not.

~little while later~

As I came to the class. I saw the leafs of the plants that were on table so I put my earmuffs on because I don't want to pass out.

As teacher showed us what we are suppost to do, Neville passed out. I went to look how he was.

Y / n " Teacher, Longbottom passed out"

Teacher " well...don't mind him."

Y / n " I will take him to informary mam"

Teacher "Okay, can you take thease plants to Snape on the way?"

Y / n " sure thing."

I took the plants on a backpack and lifted Neville up so that his hand was over my shoulder.

Pansy "Just typpical Gryffindor, helping and doing works that has nothing to do with them"

The slytheris stardet to laugh but Gryffindor's weren't happy about the comment. I just quickly left the room and stardet walking towards the informary.

It is Neville is a pure-blood but everyone is so mean to him. I'm sure he will be a good and handsome man someday.

As I came to the informary I let the nurse take Longbottom and stardet walking towards Snape's office. It is funny when you realise how big the school really is.

All the halls and turns. Never ending rooms and the ones that has not been founded yet. Speaking of all the floors...

As I came to Snape's office, I knocked on the door but there was no resbond so I just went in. He wasn't there. I just went to his desk and left the herbs there and was about to leave, but then I saw a picture on the table.

I took the picture and looked it was a women...and a man who looked almost like Harry. Were these his parents? His mother was beautiful. But....why on earth does Snape have such a photo?

I heard the door opening so I quickly put the picture back to the table.

Snape " Avis?... What are you doing here? "

Y/ n " sir...I brought you some herbs. I was asked to."

Snape " very well Thankyou Avis, you may leave now"

Y / n " yes, right away"

I then left the room and from the looks of it the class had already ended.

I went back to Herbology classroom to look for my books but when I came, they were ripped all over the room.

"You got to be kidding me?" I said to my self as I took one piece of the book. "Reparo!" And all the pieces flow toward my hand, and in no time the book was in one piece.

As I put it inside the purse, I left the room to go and eat. On my way there pansy and her friends stopped right infront of me.

Pansy " Didn't find your book?"

Y / n " what do you mean?"

Pansy "your book, the Herbology book!."

Y / n " do you mean this?"

I showed her the book and she was yeat again red as tomato. She kicked one of her friends in the knee.

Y / n " Hey! Why did you do that for?!"

Pansy " Because she failed ofcourse! "

Okay thats enough! I helped the girl up from the ground and spit saliva on pansy's face.

Y / n " I really don't understand why you follow that kind of a bitch, she can't even do her own dirty work and plames others when she fails!"

The girls looked at me and then Pansy who tryed to think out a comeback but didn't have one.

I left the girls there and went to eat. But as I came I could only hear screaming from Gryffindor table. As I looked more closely I could see that the red head weasly got himself a Howler.

I ignored what it said because I am pretty sure I know that it is about the car. I just sit there and ate (what ever you feel like) while the boys from ealier came to sit opposite you.

Y / n " what's this? A rematch threat?"

I said while holding my glass of milk. I just took a sip from it as the boys stardet blushing.

" we wanted to apologize because of what we did." One of them said.

Y / n " and what would that be?"

Other boy "We are the ones that stardet to spreat out the rumor....about the curse"

I rolled my eyes and drunk the rest of my drink and stood up.

Y / n " so? Apologi won't do anything in this sitsuations. Just put the rumor down. That is how you apologize "

I left them there Speechless without resbond as I stardet walking out from the room. I needed to get some rest before next class....other wise...I can't take it.

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