Diagon Alley

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     One reason I was nervous for this year was because I have a massive crush on Fred Weasely, my best friend, my bro, he is just so adorable when he pranks and most of the time too. Anyways back to the point, I'm walking down Diagon Ally getting book for mum and I bumped into someone.
The person fell onto of me and I couldn't move but I quickly said, "I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention...".
The person cut me off by saying, "It's fine Iz".
I quickly looked up and saw Fred smirking at me.
"Oh hi! What's going on Fred," I said smirking too. 
Fred laughed and said "Well I'm just laying on my friend. That's all."
I laughed and pulled him up with me.
"Well, well, look who you found Fred" George said. I smiled and gave him a short hug.
"Nice entrance," George said smugly while pulling back. Fred blushed. Man, he was so adorable when he does that. I snapped out of my thoughts while Fred and George started bickering.
I shook my head 

"Boy's is that really how it's going to be? No 'I missed you Izze.' Or 'I have missed you my love!'" I said pouting.

Fred shook his head and said, "Good day my love. I'll buy you some ice cream, my lady."
I laughed and took his arm but I wished that was how it was all the time. 

"I've missed you guys." I said as we walked to Florean Fortecute's Ice Cream parlor. They nodded.

"Yeah, me too!" Fred said. 

"Why did you come to Diagon Ally today, Iz" George said. I smiled, thinking of the mother. 

"Buying books for mum and I've been bored" I said quietly.

"You could always come to the Burrow,"Fred announced as he filled his cone with Chocolate Chili. 

I laughed at the funny name and said, "I really want to but, not sure what mum'd say." I said and sighed. 

"Just ask, silly." George said, tweaking my nose.

I pushed his hand away then asked "How has Ginny been?" I said in my American accent that's been driving then crazy.
Both boys sighed and I acted innocent "what can I do yal" I said. 

Fred sighed again "you don't have do to it on purpose" he said. I laughed. 

"Anyways what do you think she would say about me staying?" I asked. 

Fred said with another one of his famous winks, "I hope she says yes because I think I could use more Iz time." I spark of hope lot in my stomach. Did he like me? Does he know I like him and he's just making me feel good? All these questions filled my head but then something extraordinary happened. I giggled. I stopped realizing what I just did. I covered my mouth with shock. 

"Did I just giggle?" I asked myself.
The boys just shrugged and we all laughed but, I was still shocked that I missed that. He can't know I like him. He just can't. I would ruin out friendship and we'd be miserable and awkward.

Suddenly, the thoughts switched and a big idea hit me.

We should build prank shop.
George hit my arm, snapping me out of my trance and asked "are you ok?" I laughed then told them about the big idea. Fred was astonished at how clever that was. 

"We. Are. So. RICH!" We screamed as we ran out of the shop. Fred tried paying for everything. I couldn't let him do that so I quickly snatched up half his money and replaced it by half of mine. I quickly shoved it in his pocket. I don't know why I did it instead of just giving it to him plus it was weird of me to stick my hand in Fred's pocket but, I realized it was too late. 

Fred whipped around and asked "what did you put in my pocket?" 

"Half your money." I replied simply.

"I said I was paying!" He yelled.

I chuckled this time and said "well I wanted to pay for half so a simple thank you would do." 

He just shook his head and said "More for the shop."

"Wait! Are we actually doing this?" I said, astonished that he was excepting the offer. 

"Welcome to the business" George said and we all shook hands. 

Then my phone bussed, mum's icon showed and it read 'Your free to go sweetheart. I love you. I'll come to visit in a little while' with an emoji kiss face.

"Aaannndd I'm free to go" I said in my best sports announcer voice. 

"Wait so your staying with us for the World Cup and the rest of the summer?" Fred asked excitedly. 

I quickly thought of something smart to say and smirked while saying it "Yep, I guess your stuck with me."

"Wouldn't mind it" Fred said with that famous wink again.

I Guess You're Stuck With Me (Fred Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now