Why Him?

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     Hermione, Harry, and I reached the Great Hall later that evening. Hermione and I sat down to do our work. Then Fred and George ran in holding the Adhing Potion they said they were going to use to put their name in the goblet. I told them it would backfire but they never listened. I was really exited to see what happens when they drink it. I may have switched the really potions out with beard potion. So they did a victory lap but then Hermione tried to tell them it would backfire.

"It's not going to work." She said. "And why is that Granger?" The twins said in unison. "You see this? This is an Aging line. Dumbledore drew it himself" Hermione said. "So?" They said. I laughed. "Sooooooo, Dumbledore wouldn't be fooled with something so dimwitted as an aging potion." She said. I laughed again. "Well that's what so funny. Because he is so dim witted" they said. It was a good come back but still they are so stupid sometimes.

"Come on, go already!" I said, groaning. "Ok!" George said. They jumped up to the first step of the bleachers and jumped. For a second I thought it worked. They got in and did another victory lap. They put their names in and high-fived each other before getting thrown out of the age line. They layed still for a moment then sat up. That's when I burst out laughing.

They had long, white, beards! They looked at each other and said "you said" "you said" then they started wrestling. Then something heart-wrenching happened. Cedric got pushed inside the age line by his friends and he looked up at the goblet, placed his name in and strode out jumping on his friends. He didn't even think of me. People die in this tournament! I secretly hope he doesn't get picked.

Everyone one silenced as Victor sashayed in. He walked up through the goblet and placed his name in. He looked at me again and winked. I heard another huff but was, once again, to surprised to care. He smiled. Wow he is such a flirt! Why can't Fred do that? Then Victor walked away.

I made it to bed at 10:00 and was exhausted because of all the work we had due tomorrow. The champion selection was tomorrow and I had to get a good night sleep. But apparently that was not possible with this work! I finally got all my Transfiguration essay done. I stomped up the stairs after saying a quick good night to the rest of the poor work doers. Why Cedric? Why him?

     I woke up and began getting dressed when Hermione rushed into our dorm. "It today!" She squealed. "I know." I mimicked trying to be polite but it came out harshly. "Izze? Are you ok?" She asked. I sat down on my bed. "Not really, I dont want Cedric to get picked. He could die."I whispered. "Aw, Izze he's really good in class. He'll be ok." She said as she rubbed my shoulder. "I'm just scared I might lose him."I added. "Oh come on! He's going to be the best. Don't worry!" She said. I got up. "How do you know?" I said. "I'm taking a shower. I'll see you I class" I said while getting dressed in my uniform.

    Later that day the twins and I say down at the Griffindore table and started eating. I pushed around the food on my plate. George must have noticed. "What's wrong, Iz?" He asked. "I'm fine. "I mumbled. "No your not, spill." "I don't want Cedric to die! That's what's wrong." I yelled. "Oh sweety. You don't have to worry about that. He's a good kid." Fred said. "But how do we know for sure. What if he dies." I whispered. "Your overreacting." Fred said. "Like you always do" I heard him mumble. "Fred! How dare you?! Why are you so against him?" I yelled, getting angry. He shrugged. "Ugh!" I huffed. I turned my attention to Dumbledore.

     "The Durmstrang champion is...Victor Krum." He yelled. I knew it! I knew it! He's going to win! Oh no. "The Beauxbatins champion is... Fleur Delacor" he yelled. Victor and Fleur were now standing in the front. "The hogwarts champion is..." Please don't be Cedric, please don't be Cedric...I said in my mind. "Cedric Diggory!" He yelled. I smacked my head. Nooooooooo! "Why does the world hate me?" I said. Hermione giggled and George chuckled, but this was no laughing matter! This is horrible.

     My best friend is likely to die soon. I pushed all my thoughts away when I heard the other horrible news. "Excellent! We now have our three champions!" Dumbledore yelled. The goblet turned pink and another name shot out. "Harry potter..." He mumbled. "Harry Potter." He louder. Not Harry too! Why does the world hate me so much? I asked again. "Harry. For goodness sake." Hermione whispered as she tried to push Harry out of his seat. He walked over to the front. Why him too? Harry shot me a sympathetic smile but he had no need. I was so heart broken.

     The champions were chosen. Ron was yelling at Harry. I was trying to get people to believe that Harry did not put his name in that goblet. Life is so complicated sometimes.

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