Running and Scars

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      People were screaming and yelling for their teams, Fred and George were teasing Ron, when Mr. Weasley rushed in with fear written all over his face. 

"Sounds like the Irish really got their pride on," Fred said. 

"It's not the Irish! Forge, and Izze, your all responsible for Ginny" 

"Wait where are we going?" I asked. 

"Get to the portkey!" He yelled back. I grabbed their arms and we all ran outside.

      We ran and ran until I fell once. I almost took Fred down with me but I let him go.

 "Izze!" Fred yelled.

 "Coming!" I yelled in a sing-songy voice, trying to lighten the mood. Fred helped me up, but when we stood back up we realized that we had lost Ginny and George. I sighed. 

"They will be ok, let's just go." Fred said, while squeezeing my hand for comfort. A big fireball flew right at us.

     I dived out to the left while Fred jumped to the right. I knew that spell, don't ask me how but I knew it. Lucius always used that spell. 'I hate him. He's a...DEATH EATER! Oh no! We are gonna die'. I thought. I guess Fred realized too because he shot me a concerned look. I took his hand and we started running again but someone stopped me. 

I accidentally let go of Fred's hand, the stranger was pulling me by the waist and had a hand over my mouth. Fred turned around and strained his neck I find me. 

     Scabior had pulled me into a bush. I knew Scabior from the stories that Cedric told me about. "Scabior!" I yelled, "Get YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF ME!" 

"Sorry, beautiful, I'm on masters orders. Glad you know my name though," he said while smirking. I decided to stall while Fred found me and so that I could get my feet in the right position so I could kick him where-the-sun-don't-shine. 

"Who exactly is your master?" I asked, cockily. 

"Lucius, he personally told me to hurt you " I shivered. 

"But don't worry, I won't hurt ya too bad, unless you do something you'll regret" he said, smirking. 

"Did he?" I said pretending to ponder why. "Well, I bet you'll regret taking orders from Lucius!" I yelled. I pulled up my foot and kicked really hard.

     He stumbled back grumbling and groaning. He fell to the ground and then shot me a glare. "Why you little!" 

"Monster?" I said. "I'm just a little child, don't start cursing, please?" I asked in a baby voice. 

        Then he quickly got up and lunged at me. I dodged him but he grabbed my by the hip and we barreled down a hill. When we got to the bottom he pinned me down, startling me and he looked so much like an angry wrestler, while he punched me arms, legs, and stomach. I heard a slight crack in my left arm. Searing pain shot up my right arm and I screamed in pain. He has a really strong punch for such a small guy.

 "Ssssshhhh! Someone will hear you" he yelled. 

"That's what I'm going for" I breathed.

"Your so dead!" He yelled. 'Yeah I know' I thought but I was too busy screaming. He started to jabbed his knife into my skin and carved out a word. I was screaming bloody murder when Fred came barreling up a hill to where we first were. My arm was covered with blood but I didn't care. "Stupify!" He yelled. I felt my feet being lifted off the ground as Fred picked me up, bridal style, and ran towards the camp sight. My head was banging against his chest and I could feel my heart beat grow faster. 

"Hang on! We'll be there in a minute" Fred said soothingly. 

"Ok. I'm so tired" I said breathlessly. 

"No! Don't give in. We're almost there." He said. 

'I'll do it for him' I said to myself. 

      In about ten minutes we were Back at the burrow. Fred gently laid me on the couch and held my hand. 

"It's going to be ok. Just hang in there. George has gone to get mum." He said while rubbing circles around on my hand. 

"Ok. I'll be fine." I said still breathlessly. "What hurts?" He asked. "Everything, but my arm, mostly." I said, then I mentally scolded myself for sounding so weak, but really what could I do?

     Fred gently turned my arm over. His face was instantly red with anger.

 "I should have killed him right there." He mumbled. 

"What? Why?" I said, what did he write? 

"Blood traitor." He said, I saw a tear run down his face. 

"Whoa! That bloody fu**face!" I said, trying to lighten the mood because Fred was extremely angry and sad.

     Right then, Mrs. Weasley rushed in with a first aid kit. "you look horrible my dear! Well, your still beautiful but I mean your really beaten up!" She said, blushing at her accidental comment.

 "Scabior." I mumbled. 

"Oh, which Death Eater is that?" She asked while pulling ice on my head. 

"Oh what do we do about that arm of yours?" She asked herself. 

"Maybe some scar cream and a bandage, but I doubt the cream would do any good. He used a scar spell." I said a-matter-a-factly. Fred gaped at me in astonishment.

"What? I attended a doctor school for a month this summer" I said chuckling. 

"Arthur! Get some scar cream from that Wallgreens place by Izze's house" she told him. She hurried off.

"I never knew that!" Fred said. 

"Well it's kinda embarrassing." I said. 

"Right. How's your leg?" He asked, cautiously lifting my left leg and inspecting it. 

"It's bruised, I think. That dude has a hard punch" I said laughing. 

"Yeah. It looks awful" he said chuckling too and putting it down gently. 

"Hey your a good doctor, but if you stay in this world you may be a great healer too." He said. I smiled at the thought of me being a healer and having the worlds best pranker as my husband. 

"Yeah I guess I would" I said still smiling. 

"How can you smile at a time like this?" He asked.

 "It depends if you have something to smile about." I said tweaking his nose. He rolled his eyes, but smiled lovingly at me.

"Ok! Deary, this might hurt a little but you've got Fred to hold on to" Mrs. Weasley said. I blushed as she said the last part. She spread the cold cream on my arm. It stung a little but not as much as just touching it did. She carefully wrapped a bandage around it and I tried to get up  but stumbled realizing my leg was still hurting

     Mrs. Wealsey noticed. "I just need a brace and then I'll be fine." I said. "Here why don't you wrap this around it for a while?" Fred said, handing me a blanket. "I'll just use you Fred. You'll need this during the winter." I said grabbing my coat and stumbling to the door. "I'll be back, thank you soooooo much for the help Mrs. Weasley!" I said as I smiled and walked out the door with Fred.  I'll never forget what that stupid Death Eater did, because this scar will always be with me.

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