The First Task

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(There's a video too)

"Get up! Get up!" Someone said while shaking my shoulders. I moaned and turned over. "Five more minutes." I groaned. "Don't make me get the twins." Hermione said. "Fine fine...two more minutes." I said. We all know what the twins do when they see someone in a deep sleep. "No! It's the first task today! Get up!" She yelled. I really just wanted to stay in my warm warm bed but sadly it was too big of a deal. "ok I'm getting up!..." I groaned again. I sat up and ran to the bathroom right before Hermione got to it. "Sorry, your fault for gettin up first." I said as I climbed in the shower. I did my hair and makeup. Then I was set to go, looking very fashionable.

We got to the stadium at about nine and Hermione and I set off to find the closest seat. I passed Fred and George on the way and we talked.
I decided to talk to Harry for a while before the task. I stood beside the tent and whispered "Harry, Harry, is that you?" "Yeah." I heard him say. "How are you doing? Ok?" I asked awkwardly. "The key is to concentrate, after that you just have to..." "Fight I dragon?" Harry asked. I laughed a little. It was quiet but I couldn't take it anymore and I leaped into his arms. He stumbled back a little but chuckled and hugged me back. I heard a flash and we broke apart. "Young love! How..." She clapped her hands. "Stirring." She finished while pointing dramatically at her photographer. "Good day champions, you've been waiting a long time for this. At last the moment has arrived, the moment only four of you, what are you doing here miss Keith?" Dumbledore asked. "I uh...sorry I'll just go." I said and walked away. I laughed to myself at my stupidity.

It was a long time before it was Cedric's turn. He had made it past the dragon and was struggling to get a hand on the egg. Finally he snatched it up and ran to the end of the course.
"...finally our fourth and final champion..." I heard Dumbledore say. I tuned him out and focused on the dragon Harry would be facing. It was really scary looking and it had a long horned tail. It was the dragon Harry had seem when he went to Hagrid's. People started cheering and I saw a very startled Harry at the entrance. He looked around a little then he stepped out farther. The dragon whipped its tail out and almost hit Harry. I jumped and instantly grabbed Fred's hand.

He smiled a little but then he was back to yelling at the dragon. The dragon whipped his tail and fortunately missing every time. Even the professors were gasping at how close the hits were. The dragon finally got him and swung him away towards the ground. The dragon roared again and fire flew towards Harry. "Your wand, Harry, your wand!" Hermione yelled. He took her advice and summoned his firebolt. "Accio firebolt." He screamed. The dragon roared again and more fire came soaring towards Harry. Luckly he was safe behind a rock or he would be toast...literally. He jumped up just in time for his broom to catch him. The dragon tugged against the chain it was attached and unfortunately it got off and soared behind Harry. I had to duck to avoid getting hit by the dragon. "Well done dragon!" The twins yelled. I rolled my eyes at them. Harry and the dragon were racing towards the castle. 'Oh no!' I thought, 'Harry's going to die.' 'Stop don't think that' another part of me yelled. I took a deep breath. Fred squeezed my hand. "He'll be ok." He said and he pulled me into his shoulder. About ten minutes later Harry flew over the bridge. "Yes! Yes!" Hermione and I yelled.

"Well open it Harry!" Seamus gushed. "Who wants me to open it?" Harry said and we cheered. He twisted the cap and then an ear-Deafening screech filled the room. Harry was dropped to the ground. "Close it!" George yelled while holding his hands over his ears and bending over. Harry managed to close the egg. "What the bloody hell was that?" Ron said from the entrance of the room. Fred and George tried to make everyone 'get back to their knitting' and everyone turned away. Hermione, Padma, and I all stared at Ron with distaste.

Ron and Harry had made up. The twins and I were in the common room making our new potion. "Ok I'm getting tired." I said after a yawn. "Ok, I'm going too. Love ya'll." George said as he walked away. I was almost up the stairs when I fell down backwards. I landed with a thud on my back. I tried to get up but all the air was knocked out of my chest. Fred clicked his tongue three times. "You are so clumsy." He said. "Really? What about that time were you fell on me?" I asked. "Well...that was a..." Fred stuttered. "Help me up!" I yell-whispered. "Sorry." Fred said. 'Why oh why did you just fall down the stairs?' I asked myself. 'I don't know, I'm tired.' "Are you alright?" Fred asked. "No, I just fell down the stairs." I said sarcastically. "Oh, right" he said and then he pulled me up. I rubbed my back.

------Fred's P.O.V-----

"You need some ice?" I asked. "No I'm ok. Still tired though." She said. "Want me to carry you up?" I asked, smirking. "Yeah, that would be great." She said shyly. I chuckled and picked her up like she was my bride.' I wish she was though' I thought. She had her arm around my neck. I could have been the happiest man alive right now. If only she loved me back. I set her down on her bed and asked "you need anything else?" I then realized that she was asleep. I thought of just staying there and watching her sleep but that would seem stalkerish. 'Oh well.' I thought and I went back to my room

-----Izze's P.O.V----
I was so comfortable I fell asleep. Wow, I thought nice going. And guess what I dreamt of?
Fred and just Fred

I Guess You're Stuck With Me (Fred Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now