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(The pic is funny) (there's a video of the song too)

"Harry, why?" I asked. "I don't know, Hermione said that Ron told her the Seamus said that Hagrid was looking for me." Harry said. "That's pretty complicated, you know." I said. "Yeah I know, I bet he is just trying to waste my time." Harry said, sneering. "Ron would never do that. He is just jealous of you." I said, trying to comfort him. "Maybe but I've got to go see Hagrid. Bye, Iz!" Harry said while walking away. I decided to go talk to the twins.

I was walking the corridors when I bumped into someone. "Oh hey Izze." I heard Cedric say. "Hi." I said quietly. I was still mad at him for getting chosen. It wasn't his fault though. "Are you ok? Izze tell me." Cedric said. He held me at arms length. "I just don't want you to get hurt." I said. "And Harry..." I added. "Izze, it's ok, I'll be fine." Cedric hugged me.

"But how do we know." I groaned. "We don't but I'll try as hard as I can not to leave you." He said, still squeezing me.' I feel so weak now.' I thought. I pulled back. "I've got to go change. I'm going on a run." I said. "Bye!" He said as I ran off. I smiled to myself. I'm so happy I've got these great friends.

I ran and ran until the lungs felt like they were on fire. I stopped at my favorite place. The Black Lake. It's so beautiful there. I started to climb one of my favorite trees. I started to sing one of my favorite songs. "Every time I see your bubbly face, I get the tingles in a silly place, it starts in my toes and j crinkle my nose and wherever it goes I always know." I sang, quite pleased at the way I sounded. "You have an amazing voice." I heard a voice say from the ground. I almost fell off my branch because I was so surprised. I saw bleach blonde hair and scoffed.

"What are you doing here Malfoy" I sneered. Why had he complemented me? I hate him. He should know by now. "Taking a run, then a climb." He said as he climbed up to my branch. "Uh, ok?" I said, still surprised that he was being so nice to me. He chuckled "what are you doing here?" He asked while sitting next to me. "Um same thing actually." I said.

I scooted away from him because he was sitting on my branch and we were so close our knees were touching. He chuckled "I don't bite." "Ok?" I said. He scooted towards me. "What are you doing?" I asked. "I want to get to know you." He said. "If only you weren't a Giffindore..." He added quite quickly. I sighed in relief.

"Thank goodness. I thought you were going to ask me out or something." "Oh yeah right. You're funny, that's why I want to get to know you." He said. "YOU WHAT!!" I said. This time I actually did fall out of the tree but sadly he grabbed my hand before I hit the ground. I was hanging in his grasp when I yelled "Get your hands off me, Slytherin prince!!" He let go of my hand and I fell down. It hit the ground softly and tried ran away. "Wait!" He yelled.

"What do you want?" I said as I turned around. "To get to know you! You've been my enemy for three years! I like you ok!? That's why I was mean to you!" He yelled. I could see his eyes get watery. "YOU WHAT!" I said. He can't like me. He hates me! I hate him! "We hate each other!" I yelled. "Why oh why do you like me?" I said breathlessly.

"Because...if I do say you'll like explode." He said. "Ok...ok...ok..." I breathed to myself. "I'm sorry Mal-Draco but I like someone else, but we could try to be..." I breathed again and swallowed. "Friends?" I said. " yeah sounds ok." He said. "Draco I'm really sorry." I said. 'Now I feel really really really bad!' I thought.

I gathered up the courage to hug him. He actually wasn't that bad I thought until he shook his head on my shoulder and said. "Why would I want to be friends with a Mudblood?" He said. "Right back to the mean bad Malfoy." I said.

"Yep! You get me. See we are perfect for each other...I mean you are a stupid filthy Mudblood." He said. "I'm going to leave and let you sort out your thoughts. I hope you choose not me. " I said. He is so mean and confusing. I felt like crying. "Your so confusing." I said. "I know. Um...I'll see you around." He said. Shaking my head, I turned around. Why are people so confusing. "Nice job dude." He heard him say to himself. I ran off almost in tears.

I sat down on a bench, put my head in my hands, and cried. After a while I felt a hand on my back. I looked up to see who it was. Cedric was comforting me as I cried on his shoulder. "It's ok. I saw the whole thing. You must be so confused." He soothed. "I hate him and he's supposed to hate me too! Why does he like me?" I cried. "Your such a good friend and your so nice and so much more. I think that's why he fancies you." "Thank-s-s Cedr-r-ric" I stuttered. I hate feeling so weak but this wasn't the time to think that. "You need some comfort. I'm always here for you." I smiled. "Ok that's enough for today! Thank you big bro!" I yelled as I stood up. He chuckled but hugged me back. "No problem sis!" He said. Such a good friend!

I Guess You're Stuck With Me (Fred Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now