Finding a Date, Finding a Dress, Loosing a Date

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(The picture is Hermione's dress) (there's a video too)

The next morning Harry, Hermione, Ron, and I were sitting together talking about the second task. Harry looked over to Cho Chang and I saw him spit out his water all over himself. I laughed at him. "Nice going dude." I said as I thumped his head. "Merlin's beard! What's this?" Ron complained. He was holding something like a weird old dress or something. "Ginny this is for you. Mom mixed it up again." He said. "I'm not wearing those, it's unfashionable." Ginny said giggling. Hermione and I had a laughing fit. "They're not for Ginny. They are for you." Hermione said. "They are dress robes." I finished, then I laughed again. "Dress Robes! Why would I need Dress robes?" Ron exclaimed. I shrugged. Then Hermione snatched something out of Dean's hands. "Look at this!" She yelled. It was the picture of me and Harry at the task. "No, no, no, no, no!" I yelled and put my head in my hands. "This is bad!" Harry said. "I know. Ok I've lost my appetite." I said and walked out. Harry looked a little hurt but it was masked by anger.

    McGonagal was pacing the room. "The Yule Ball is indeed...a dance." She said. The girls were really excited and the boys groaned. I just sat there and laughed. "Babbling Bubbling band of Baboons..." Fred said. He was trying to say it five times fast. Apparently McGonagal had a bad rhyme problem too. She's my second least favorite Professor. "Weasley. Out your hand on my waist." McGonagal said.  "On were?" He said. Fred, George, and Harry were teasing Ron. Fred is so cute when he teases Ron. George wolf-whistled. I laughed. "Now you try." She said. All the girls stood up and most of the boy stayed sitting and moaning. Neville looked around and then he stood up and he danced with Ginny. Cedric was dancing with Cho and I hoped that Harry could get her before he does. Harry needs a good date if he is going to dance in front of the school. Draco was trying to get to me but Pansy was pulling towards the middle of the room, excitedly. Harry was struggling to find a partner. Fred was already paired with Hermione, but I knew he was just giving her advice for Ron. I went over to Harry and asked. "Want to dance? It looks like your having trouble." "Yeah, sounds great." Harry said. We danced for a while and we both sucked. "Ok try the left first." Harry said. I stepped towards him with my left foot and he stepped back with his left foot. Then we were 'dancing' around but it was more like stumbleing over each other. I laughed when he almost fell on his face but I had caught him. "Its usually the other way around" I said. "Yeah, I know." "Ok you know what you have to do at the ball right?" I asked. He nodded but I wasn't sure he actually did. "Ok, then we should practice a lot more." I said. "I also need a date." Harry added. "Ask Cho." I suggested. "Maybe." Harry said. "Well I need to get dinner then I'm going on another run so I'll see you at dinner later." I said. "Ok." Harry said. I walked away, hoping that Fred would ask me otherwise I'd go with Harry.

    "Who are you going with then?" Ron asked George. We were working and talking in Snape's class. George threw a piece of parchment at Angelina and motioned asking her to go to the Ball with him. She stared but then answered "yeah" she gushed. I rolled my eyes and whispered "really smooth." To George. "I know." He said, proudly. I rolled my eyes again and focused on Hermione and the boys. "I won't be going alone because, believe it or not someone has already asked me!" She said and then she took her books to shape and ran off to the common room. I decided to go with her and find out who she's going with. "I'm walking out exactly how she did...Fred!" I said angrily. Then I ran out of the room and followed the sound of weeping. "Mione. ok...he's just jealous. I guess George is the only one who is man enough to ask someone." I said soothingly. She hugged me and we sat together on her bed.

     Later that night Ron asks Fleur out. "He sort of screamed at her. It was actually quite scary." Ginny said as she plopped Ron down on the couch. I saw the Pastil twins walk by Harry and flirt. "Wait!" Harry said. 'Yay! He found a date for both of them!' I thought. There gonna leave Ron when they see what he's wearing.

      "Hey, Iz! Wait up!" Someone called to me after class. I turned around to see Cedric. "Oh hi! What's up?" I said. We walked and talked for a while until the ball conversation came up. "Who are you going with? Fred?" He asked. I frowned. "No, Ron and him got the butterflies and Fred's going alone now that I can't go. Who are you going with?" " I'm not going with anyone. Why can't you go?" Cedric asked. "Cause he didn't ask me and no one else will." I replied. "Well...maybe...we...can, um...go together? As friends I mean." Cedric stuttered. "That's a great idea!" I said. "Cool. Hey, I'm sorry about Fred...he really likes you...I can tell." He said. "Yeah, that's ok. Maybe he will ask for one dance or something." I said, shrugging. "Yeah!" Cedric said. "Ok well I've got to go get a dress then! Oh, and you know that we have the opening dance right?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm a decent dancer." "Good cause I suck! Bye!" I said and I skipped away, laughing. He chuckled too and shook his head as he walked away. I got to my dorm and Hermione was looking at herself in the mirror. "Wowza! Mione! You look like an angel!" I said as I ran over to her. She had a beautiful pink fitted dress and She looked stunning in it. "Oh, um..." She said as she stumbled towards the bathroom. "No, no! You are so beautiful!" I said as I leaped over the basket Gi Gi was in. "You need a...dress, right, a dress. Come on let go get you one" she said as she changed into a more casual outfit which wasn't the school uniform. "You know it's a school day right?" I said. "Yeah but you need a dress and all the staff on duty are women, they'll understand." "Ok." I agreed.

     We looked and looked but I couldn't find one I liked. "Who are you going with?" I asked after I told her I was going with Cedric. "Victor Krum." She whispered excitedly. "Really! Oh my goodness!" I whisper-screamed. "Shhhhhh! I don't want the boys to hear." She said. "But, Mione, there not-" she pointed to the window. The boys were looking in on us. "Oh..." I said. "Ok back to picking. What about this one?" She asked. She was holding the most beautiful dress I had ever seen. "No? Ok, but I thought it would look good..." She said while trying to put it away. "Nooooooo! It's so beautiful! Gimme!" I said, lunging at the dress. "Ok, ok! Well, it's pretty expensive." She said while giving it to me. "It may be a little tight. I'll have to run twice today. Just to make sure it will fit me perfectly with all my curves. And I needed some shoes and makeup. I still bought the dress.

      I went for a run. I was enjoying the scenery when I bumped into someone. "Oh, hi." Fred said. "Hey." I said. "What are you doing?" He asked. "Taking a run. I'll see you later." I was still mad at him for not asking me to the dance when he was so excited to go. I tried to walk away but he grabbed me arm. "I'm sorry for whatever I did. I really am." He pleaded. "For 'whatever you did'? It's what you didn't do actually." I said. "Ok. Then I'm sorry for not doing what you wanted me to do." "Ugh! Why are you so clueless? Ugh!" I yelled, throwing my hands up in the air as I walked away. "You ruined my day."

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