Truth or Dare

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The minute we arrived George pushed us inside mumbling something about mum not knowing and that he had to ask her.
"She'll say yes Georgie, no need to fear" Fred said. George grabbed us by the wrists. Bad news is that he touched the bruise on my arm. Good news is that Fred saw me wince and took my hand instead. It felt like are hands were just made for each other. I had to literally shake myself out of my imagination and tell Fred it was ok. At first he didn't believe me but as I explained a very good lie, I have to say, he finally left the thought.

I've missed the Burrow. That cozy feeling of the red couches and cramped stuff just made it feel like home. Once I was settled in Fred's room with Gi Gi, my kitten, laying on his bed, I walked down stairs. George was waiting and Fred was making a snack. We laid around and chatted when the game Truth or Dare was mentioned. I was an expert at this game. Nobody would be left un-scratched and I never back down from a dare.

It was George's turn to ask me. I picked Dare, like always, and George smirked like he was going to make me chicken out. 'Yeah, like that's going to happen' I said in my mind. "We're going to the Black Lake" George said. "Ok, are we apperating?" I asked.
"Yep follow me, you don think it's off limits today, Fred?" George asked.
"Nope. Let's do this" Fred answered.
"Yeah, let's go Georgie!" I said, knowing that he hates that name.
"Don't call me that!" He said, angered as his nickname was mentioned.
"Since when do I listen to you?" I asked, smugly.
"It's true Georgie" Fred said, snickering.
"Fine let's go" George said.

We apperated near the Black Lake on the shore. It was dark and murky but I love water so I didn't care. Water just calls to me and says 'come come and swim in my water. I know you want to!' I tested the water with my foot. It was really cold but I've taken swim lessons and the water there is way colder. Plus, there is lot of fish pee in there so it will warm it up...Ewww... "I dare you to jump in" George said.
"Ok" I replied, taking off my sweater, jacket, and top, which left me in my tank top and my jeans. Fred's mouth was open, I'm still not sure if it was because of looking at me or that I was really going down with this dare.
"Go Iz" George hollered. I shook my head and jumped in.

I took my curly hair out of my messy bun and hollered "I dare you to come in too Fred!"
"Yeah, I'll go!" He yelled and dived in swiftly. We were laughing and having fun when something grabbed my ankle and pulled me under the water. I was hoping it was Fred pranking me, but the hands felt slimy and rough. Trying to scream was dangerous and my mouth and lungs were already filled with water. I thought this was the end of me and that I would die while watching the sun light fade away under the water. But right when I thought I could not hold my breath any longer, a wand shot in from the surface and I bright light burst out of it hitting the scaly creature on the side of its green head. I saw Fred's arm grab my hand and pull me towards the surface, but that was all I saw before I blacked out.

-hey I'm finally getting around to editing this again. Thanks for reading.

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