The Second Task

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(There's a video too)

    "Then I just left, but enough 'break up' talk let's talk about the tournament." I said to Harry. "Well, I haven't figured out the egg yet. So I'm doomed." Harry said. I saw Cedric walking over. "Harry I think Cedric wants to talk to you." I said and backed away. 'This can go either way' I thought.

   "He told me about the egg and now I really have to go." Harry said and walked out of the common room. "Ok! Bye!" I said. "People are so rushed these days." I said to myself. "Yeah they really are." Someone said from the couch. Fred was sitting there with his feet crossed. "Ugh." I groaned and walked away. "Wait! Izze! Please, I want to talk to you." He said and got up from his seat. "What?" I snapped and crossed my arms over my chest. "I want to say sorry, I was a jerk and...I'm sorry." He said and looked down. "Ok, your forgiven." I said happily and walked away. "Wait! Your not going to say like 'your are a stupid bit' or something?" He asked. "Nope. I just wanted you to say sorry and I got a bonus. You said you were a jerk!" I squealed. We laughed and I went back to my dorm.

     "Mermaids?" I asked. "Yeah, that's what Merdil said." Harry replied. "Well you know how scary they are and wait! You know they live underwater right!" I said sarcastically. "I know that. It's just how will I breath for an hour underwater?" He asked. "I don't know but I want to go to bed!" I said and slumped in my chair. "We need to find something to get Harry to breath underwater!" Hermione scolded. "I know, I know. What about gillyweed!" I said and jumped up. "That's perfect! Why didn't I think of that?" Hermione said and she pulled some green weed stuff out of her bag. "Thanks Mione." Harry said and stuffed the green stuff into his pocket. "Ok I'm going to bed!" I said. "Not so fast. Granger, Keith, Come with me." Mad-Eye yelled and pulled us to Dumbledore's office. "What's going on?" I asked on the trip. "You will be Mr. Diggory's treasure." Dumbledore announced. "Hermione is Victor's and Mrs. Delacor is her own sister's treasure. Oh, and Ronald will be Harry's." "But what do we do?" Hermione asked. "You will be given a potion to make up unconscious and you will be strapped to seaweed in the black lake. Underwater, of course." He replied as if it was obvious. "Oh..." We all said. "Here. Drink up then lay in this wheel barrel." Mad-Eye said. "Im sorry bout this kids." Hagrid said as he handed us our potions. "I'm glad you are Cedric's. He seems to have a thing for you." Hermione said and winked. "! He is like a brother to me. Po have no feeling for him. I sorta feel bad though. It does seem like he likes me." I said sadly. "Well, he'll be your second choice if Fred doesn't work out." Hermione finished and we hopped up into the barrel. "See you tomorrow. When we are conscious." I said. Then we sped off into a dreamless sleep.

---Fred's P.O.V---

     "George!" I yelled. "Yeah?" He asked. "Have you seen, Izze?" I asked. I haven't seen her since we made up. "No, why?" He asked. "I haven't seem her since yesterday." I said. "She's probably studying. You know how much that girl like to study." He said, hopefully. "That's Hermione, Iz, is more of a reader." I pondered. "Same thing!" He defended. "Uh-uh!" I said. "It's Starting!" Neville squealed and we all ran out to the black lake for the second task. I was still worried about Izze but I thought she'd be at the second task. We ran and ran until we found somewhere to sell our pranks.
    The task started and Harry choked on something and fell in. We couldn't see anything and it was getting late. Then Cedric slashed out of the water with..."Izze!" I yelled. Cedric held her so she wouldn't sink into the water. It made me mad that he was the one helping her but right now I had to help Izze. "Here." I reached out to her. She grabbed my hand and I pulled her up onto the deck. Once we did so there were towels flying everywhere towards her. I grabbed a couple of them and wrapped them around her. "Why didn't you tell me you were participating in this?" I asked nicely. "I didn't have time to tell you." She said and shivered. I sighed and rubbed her shoulders hoping to make her warmer.

I was cold and I finally was figuring out what had happened. "Oh, well, you gave me a scare." He said. I laughed. "Harry is awarded,....Second place!" Dumbledore announced. "Harry!" I squealed. We hugged and then we headed back to the castle.

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