The World Cup

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(The pic is the tent)

I love hiking. The whole Weasley family, Harry, Hermione, and I, we're hiking to the portkey boot thingy. George had explained what it was earlier. I kept stopping to climb trees. Then, when I was swinging on a think branch, a brown haired boy swung down on my right and smiled at me. I nearly fell on my head, I was so startled, but thankfully the branch was low and I fell on my bum painfully. I knew that face. "Cedric!" I yelled from on the ground. He chuckled and landed, smoothly right beside me.

Cedric is one of my family friends, he was the one who explained all about the Wizarding world. We used to climb trees and then sit at the top and talk all day long. We hugged for what seemed like ages, just remembering each other's scent. He smells like pine trees. Weird uh? Fred says I smell like bubblegum and lavender. I'm never telling him that the lavender part is my perfume. The bubblegum part is still a mystery.

Someone cleared their throat from beside us. George was standing there, arms crossed. I blushed. I finally broke the silence "Why are you here, Ced?" I asked. "Oooooh! Are you stalking me?" I joked.

 "I'm goin to the game too." He said, chuckling.

 "Oh! Yay! Cool!" I said. We walked and chatted for a while.

When we arrived at the portkey, Harry looked confused.

 "It's a mangy old boot, guys, why are you all standing around it?" Harry asked curiously.

 "It the portkey that we were hiking to" I said.

 "Honestly keep up" I added, only so that the boys , and Cedric could hear my comment. They all chuckled. 

"One! Two!" Mr. Weasley yelled.

 "Harry!" I yelled and he finally got the idea to grab on. "Three!" We all screamed.

We were spinning and spinning in air until I hit the ground with a loud thud. Fred had landed right ontop of me. "Get off me!" I said, quietly.

 "You sure that's what you want?" He asked, smirking. I would have blushed but i was being squished way too hard. I didn't think he weighed that much.

 "Fred, I...can't...breathe" I choked. Something obviously clicked in his head and he immediately got off.

 "I'm so sorry, Iz" he said. 

"It's fine. I'm ok." I said. 

We walked a little more when Cedric nudged me, "Nice landing" he said smirking. He also knew about my crush. He begged me to tell him last year. I laughed. 

"I know right!" I said sarcastically. He chuckled.

After a little walk around the camp sight. We finally found our tent, which seemed to be way to small for like eight people. Then when we walked in it expanded like fully expanded.

"Girls on the right, boys on the left except one boy...he'll have to sleep in a bunk." 

"That's me!" Fred yelled as he ran up to the top half on my bunk. 

"Really, Fred?" I said, annoyed that I couldn't have some privacy. Not that I wasn't happy I could have someone to talk to, but sometimes I wish I could have a little girl time. He chucked a pillow at me. He totally acts like a lovesick puppy.

"Hey! Not before the match! We'll have a pillow fight later tonight!" I yelled as I blocked the flying pillow from hitting my face.

Changed into my Ireland gear and headed for the couch. I've started reading The Fault In Our Stars again. I've already read it about 15 times so I'm starting back from the first chapter. Fred came into the room and sat down next to me. I laughed at his red and white face. 

"Oh come on." He sighed, he obviously didn't like em reading instead of playing with him.

 "Let's make a bet." I said. "If Ireland have to play a game of Food Wars with me." I said, knowing that I always win in eating gross food. 

"Eewwww! Fine but if Bulgaria wins, you have for my medical bills." 

"It's not that bad, Fred!" I said while laughing and smacking his arm. 

"Yes it is! You pick the worst combinations!" He defended.

 "Deal!" I said while shaking his hand.

We finally made it to our, super high seats, and guess who decided to show up? Malfoy and his father! I hate the mayfly family so much. Malfoy has been teasing Harry, Ron, and especially Hermione, for so long and I've vowed that I'm going to make him stop this year. I personally thanked and hugged Hermione, when she punched Malfoy in third year. 

"Blimey, Dad! How far up are we?" Ron asked. Bad idea.

 Lucius said "We'll put it this way, if it rains you'll be the first to know."

I was about to punch that stupid, cruel,...many more adjectives that will describe him, but I've done enough thinking about him for today. 

"Father and I are in the ministers box, we got invited by Cornelius Fudge himself!" Malfoy boasted.

 "No need to boast, Draco. Not with these people" Lucius said, smirking. I tried pushing everyone away but he caught Harry under his cane.

 "Do enjoy yourself, While you can" Lucius said. 

"Shove off dude!" I said pulling Harry away. Out of the corner if my eye I saw him whisper something for one of his workers while staring at me. I just hate the Malfoys!

Once we made it to the seats, Fred, George, and I started betting with people. Then the minister said a few words and the snitch was released. First there was a leprechaun doing a jig for the Ireland. I cheered really loudly for them, trying to rub it in Fred's face. The Bulgarian players raced through the leprechaun making it dissolve in red sparks. I frowned but the boys were cheering and screaming. The veelas started running on the field and I saw all the boys starring at them with wide eyes. Even Fred was staring at them. I rolled my eyes with Hermione and Ginny. Their such good friends. Bulgaria was winning but then the Ireland seeker caught the snitch!

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