The Yule Ball

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(Sorta depressing Chapter) (theres a video too)

    We walked shyly down the steps. "They are beautiful..." Padma whispered. "Yeah they..." Harry started but he saw us and gaped. I bit back a laugh cause who would want their first spotlight to be them laughing hysterically. All eyes were on us as we made it down. Krum was waiting for Hermione and kissed her hand. She gushed. I bit back a laugh again. "You look beautiful." Someone said from behind me. "Oh thanks, Cedric." I said blushing. He looked great too. With his cute little tux thing. Cho will really hate me know. "You ready?" He asked as I took his am. "Not really. Make sure I don't trip on you though." I said playfully. "Yeah I'll take your advice." He said, laughing.

     All the champions took their place and Harry looked really scared and sad. I would have went over there but that would have been weird. Cedric took my waist and the music started. We danced pretty well and he even picked me up. I was having such a great time. Hermione looked like she was too. Neville and Ginny, Dumbledore and McGonagal, and then Hagrid and Madam Maxmine. They are so cute together. Then the fast pace music came on and we all were dancing like crazy. "Are you ready!!" The band yelled.

     Cedric went to get drinks and Hermione and I went our separate ways to Harry, Ron and Fred. "Cedric's gone to get drinks. Care to join us?" I asked politely. "No, I would not like to join you and Cedric." Fred replied coldly. "What's got your knickers in a twist?" I asked. "He's using you." Fred said. "Using me?" "We're just friends" I said angrily. "I think he's got more then friends on his mind." He said. I turned away, looked back, then turned away again. It looked like Hermione had the same thing happening to her too. "Mione!" I yelled. She stumbled over and we just decided to leave when Cedric came back. "You ok? You seem frustrated." He asked. "Um. Yeah I'm ok. I'm thinking of calling it a night. Cho seems lonely." I said and winked. I walked away, Fred following.

     "He is using you ya know." Fred said. "You know the solution to this problem Fred?" I asked. "No, what?" "Next time there's a ball gather up the courage to ask me!" I screamed at him, fire burning in my eyes and tear leaking out. George came in. "..." Fred whispered inaudible insults at me. "Fred you spoil everything!!" I yelled. I almost ran at him but I decided just to go to bed. "Hermione!" I cried again, tears burning my eyes. She ran over after yelling at Ron for the last time and we both ran to our room as fast as we could. We hugged each other and cried. I guess Fred's necklace isn't lucky.

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