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------------------Time Skip to Hogwarts-----------------

"Harry!" I yelled through the crowd. "Wait up!" I limped towards him, hoping he would stop for me. Thankfully he did.

 "Yeah, Iz?" He said.

 "I was wondering if you'd like to sit with me during the speech?"I said. I really needed to be closer to him. Fred and George have been getting on my nerves. They keep pranking me, only because I'm sorta fully healed. 

"Of course! I love spending time with you." he said, putting an arm around me, but poorly failing because I was at least two inches taller. I laughed as he tried to reach my shoulders.

 "Oh come on shorty! It's not that hard." I said through a laughter fit. 

"Ugh! Get down here!" He yelled. I chuckled and leaned down a little so he could hug me. 'Wow' I thought 'he must be getting shorter' I shook this thought away and hugged him back.

Harry and I were thumb wrestling during Dumbledore's speech but something caught my attention. "The Triwizard Tournament" Dumbledore said. I stopped listening but caught a few words like "visitors from Beauxbatins and Durmstrang will be arriving too." Fred George and I shared a word "wicked". Then Mr. Crouch stood at the podium. All I heard was "seventeen year olds and older" before the crowd started protesting. 

"That's Rubbish!" We screamed. Professor Dumbledore had to use the voice enhancing charm to get up to quite. 

"Silence!" He yelled. I plugged my ears. 'Magic can do that too?' I thought. Damn.

-----Later that night------

"It's not fair" I groaned. 

"I'm glad because I wouldn't have let you do that, Iz, people die in this tournament!" Fred said.

 I smiled. 'That was sweet' I thought. 

"Ok, I'm tired! Go up to your dorms." I said. 

"Fine" they said. they hugged me and I started doing my homework. I started to drift off when I heard footsteps coming from the stairs. I let my head fall onto the couch arm. I kept one eye open a crack to see the person who was now standing in front of the couch. It was Fred. He looked really happy and he sighed.

--Fred's P.O.V---

I just stood there smiling at her and thinking 'wow she is beautiful'. She's so pretty when she sleeps. I know its cheesy but it true. Her lips twitched a little, but I didn't think she was awake. I should ask her out soon before Cedric starts fancying her. I smiled but then realized she should be up in her room. So I picked her up and carried her to her dorm.

She looked comfortable on my shoulder, but I knew I had to put her down. That sounded weird I shook my head, she stirred. Oh no, she can't wake up now! But luckily she fell back asleep as I set her down on her bed and pulled the blankets up to her chin. I was going to stay and watch her sleep, but that sounded really stalkerish and I decided against it. I shook my head again and tip toed out of the room. I hope she didn't notice.

--Izze's P.O.V---

I felt someone carry me up to my dorm, but I was too tired to find out who it was, plus I forgot who I saw cause I was so engaged in my sleep. I thought it was Fred since he was the one who was there before I fell asleep but I wasn't sure. The someone set me down on a bed and tucked me in. I think it was a strong guy because I don't think Hermione could have carried me up to my dorm. Or Ginny. I pushed the thought away and fell into a deep sleep. And guess who I dreamt about?
Fred. I'd hoped he was the one who carried me.

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