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I love all the cute happy comments it warms my heart. I want to thank you all for all that. So thank you. 

However, I do not like the comments correcting my mistakes. There are a lot of those comments. I was okay with it at first, and I know how many stupid mistakes there are. I do not appreciate the comments that point out my mistakes and criticize me. I'm okay with nice ones, but no other kinds.  

 This story is not edited so typos and wrong spelling occur a lot. I do not want any comments about the wrong spelling. I understand all of the corrections and defenses from people because you all love HP so much, but the comments are actually hurting my feelings now. Hate to sound like a whiny little girl, but I'm expressing my feelings. 

Once again, this story was written when I was littler and I want to keep it the way I wrote it when I was my  younger self and I just had a crush on Fred. I do not want to change my writing from when I was younger into something I would write now because then I'd be taking away the memories I had writing this story. I might as well take it off Wattpad if I'm going to get hate about my mistakes. 

I hope you all understand what I talking about. I'm not trying to be mean, I'm only stating my emotions. 

So there ya have it.

I'll end of a happy note though. (If you don't already know this). --->There's another book and an Epilogue after this book 

I Guess You're Stuck With Me (Fred Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now